Breaking the Rut with Ingenious Activities & Practices
Following the best academic pattern in CBSE, the school gives equal importance to physical education and sports (football, cricket, skating, taekwondo and others) by providing detailed assessments of the same to compare the student’s progress in the field and helps improve their health and fitness levels dramatically. It has a separate teaching faculty for 'humanity' to chisel the students’ hobby by pursuing art, craft, sculptures, dramatics or music (vocals and instruments).
RIS strives to bridge the gap between factual knowledge with practicality by encompassing life skills in the curriculum effectively and inculcating verbal & analytical reasoning into regular classroom teaching, which empower the students with basic reasoning abilities to face the competitive world. It tackles the shortcomings of leadership & communication
skills in the traditional learning methods by engaging its students with live projects and conducts events to hone the entrepreneurship streak in students. “Our students adopted a village and performed a skit educating the villagers about government schemes on sanitary hygiene and even helped them build toilets,” proclaims Prahar Anjaria, Chairman, RIS.
Breaking the rut of usual educational practice, the school offers experiential learning by organizing practical visits to various facilities for the theoretical concepts studied in class, there by teaching intricate practicalities (negotiations, costing, management & others)through experience (working in vegetable markets, cooking in restaurants and so on). Anamika Anjaria, Director Academics,affirms, “For a project at NIFT,our students spent days in NIFT campus studying design aspects and presented their findings as videos and presentations. This taught them a sound understanding of the industry and its minute details which cannot be taught at class”.
Nurturing Students with Modern Teaching and Infrastructure
RIS is well equipped with modern infrastructure and amenities namely smart class, language labs, math lab, audio-visual rooms
Breaking the rut of usual educational practice, the school offers experiential learning by organizing practical visits to various facilities for the theoretical concepts studied in class, there by teaching intricate practicalities through experience
Breaking the rut of usual educational practice, the school offers experiential learning by organizing practical visits to various facilities for the theoretical concepts studied in class, there by teaching intricate practicalities (negotiations, costing, management & others)through experience (working in vegetable markets, cooking in restaurants and so on). Anamika Anjaria, Director Academics,affirms, “For a project at NIFT,our students spent days in NIFT campus studying design aspects and presented their findings as videos and presentations. This taught them a sound understanding of the industry and its minute details which cannot be taught at class”.
Nurturing Students with Modern Teaching and Infrastructure
RIS is well equipped with modern infrastructure and amenities namely smart class, language labs, math lab, audio-visual rooms
and an extensive library, while the separate portals & apps helps it to keep the parents in loop. It ensures safety and hygiene in the premises through motorized CCTV cameras, GPS-enabled transportation and RO taps. RIS ensures that the teaching and non-teaching staffs have good growth options in the field with best market policies. Following the government standards, the school adheres to minimum B.Edas the education qualification criteria to hire teachers (PRT, TGT and PGT).“Discipline is of utmost importance in our school’s culture and all the faculty and students adhere to it,” asserts Dr.Anju Verma,Principal, RIS.

Anamika Anjaria, Academic Director
Fostering Social Involvement
Moulding the student’s personality to be socially conscientious, RIS conducts ‘Samvedana’ program in which the students spend time with underprivileged kids, distribute essential items and even help in their upbringing. “Under project-based learning, we ensure that at least one project has to be on a prevalent social issue like the SwachhBharat Abhiyan,” affirms Prahar.
The 2014-founded school aims to expand academically by adding international board in its offerings with science, commerce and arts stream for students passing out from standard X. “Using unconventional methods to bring a holistic approach to schooling with our well researched pedagogy, RIS envisions to provide quality education world wide preparing students to be responsible future citizens,” concludes Prahar.

Anamika Anjaria, Academic Director
Fostering Social Involvement
Moulding the student’s personality to be socially conscientious, RIS conducts ‘Samvedana’ program in which the students spend time with underprivileged kids, distribute essential items and even help in their upbringing. “Under project-based learning, we ensure that at least one project has to be on a prevalent social issue like the SwachhBharat Abhiyan,” affirms Prahar.
The 2014-founded school aims to expand academically by adding international board in its offerings with science, commerce and arts stream for students passing out from standard X. “Using unconventional methods to bring a holistic approach to schooling with our well researched pedagogy, RIS envisions to provide quality education world wide preparing students to be responsible future citizens,” concludes Prahar.