Sri. Ch. Malla Reddy
Founder & Chairman
A Headstrong Foundation
Accredited by NBA & NAAC with ‘A’ Grade, approved by AICTE and Permanently affiliated to JNTUH, MRECW was established in 2008. The college offer B.Tech programs in ECE, CSE, EEE; IT, M.Tech programs in Embedded Systems and Computer Science Engineering to 2703 women currently with faculty strength of 185. However, MRECW has built its forte in B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering (student intake of 240 out of 708), as they have encompassed all the expected facilities to equip the future tech professionals and established a reputation by getting 169 out of 240 MRECW students from CSE placed in reputed MNCs like IBM, Tech Mahindra, NTT Data, Delloite, Amazon & Cap Gemini during 2017 placements. For better prospects, the college offers training to students for Prestigious Certifications like Business English Certification (Cambridge University, UK), Microsoft, CISCO and Oracle Certification within the college campus and also offers project based training programs for I, II, III & IV year students in their fields of interest.
Renowned for academic excellence, MRECW stands true to its vision of offering world class training to the promising engineers emphasizing on Application Oriented Teaching. Backed by a strong group of faculty member producing employable students at national and international levels by effective training programs, the college intends to nurture high
level of decency, dignity and discipline in women to attain high intellectual abilities. Facilitatating effective Teaching-Learning by equipping every classroom with LCD Projectors, utilizing Course Files, Digital Notes & Lab Manuals, and NPTEL Video Lectures, MRECW has established Technology Business Incubator in its college and proffers Merit Scholarships for first & second rank holders for all departments.
Going the Extra Mile
In collaboration with Talent Sprints, FACE Institutes, the college offers Pre Placement Training Programs, e-Learning Training, e-Assessment, Career Connect and Industry Connect Programs. MOUs with IBM, Tech Mahindra, and Zensar Technologies have been established for internships, Technology Exchange programs and placements. MRECW is always in the forefront in organizing workshops on latest technologies like Ethical hacking, Python, Android, Cadence Tools, MATLAB, Multisim and Robotics to fill the gap between the Industry and Academia and also organizes personality development programs in association with Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, Rama Krishna Math, Hyderabad.
There are students established IEEE, IETE, ISTE, CSI & HMA chapters in each department under which they organize National and State Level Technical & Management Symposia, Technical Quiz, Debate Competition, Group
Being the first Women’s Campus in India to commence Microsoft Innovation Centre, MRECW established Robotics - Centre for Excellence, Global Education Career Counseling Cell and Entrepreneurship Development Cell to develop world class, globally competent technocrats. The college also has an actively functioning R&D Cell which has organized three National & 13 International Conferences so far with ISBN Numbers Scopus Indexed publications. The college encourages faculty to register for Ph.D. Every faculty of the college has published papers in reputed National & International Journals and Conferences. Besides organizing Faculty Development Programs(FDP)on Effective Research Methodologies, the cell also publishes the Registered International Journal of Research.Renowned for academic excellence, MRECW stands true to its vision of offering world class training to the promising engineers emphasizing on Application Oriented Teaching
Going the Extra Mile
In collaboration with Talent Sprints, FACE Institutes, the college offers Pre Placement Training Programs, e-Learning Training, e-Assessment, Career Connect and Industry Connect Programs. MOUs with IBM, Tech Mahindra, and Zensar Technologies have been established for internships, Technology Exchange programs and placements. MRECW is always in the forefront in organizing workshops on latest technologies like Ethical hacking, Python, Android, Cadence Tools, MATLAB, Multisim and Robotics to fill the gap between the Industry and Academia and also organizes personality development programs in association with Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, Rama Krishna Math, Hyderabad.
There are students established IEEE, IETE, ISTE, CSI & HMA chapters in each department under which they organize National and State Level Technical & Management Symposia, Technical Quiz, Debate Competition, Group
Discussion, Mock interviews, Business quiz, Product Launch, Admaking and Young Manager Award amongst others to improve their technical skills and soft skills. MRECW also organizes events like Women’s Day, Engineers Day, Teachers Day, Annual Day, Graduation Day, and more. With diverse clubs such as Techno Innovation, Singing, Dance, Cultural Literary, and Visual Graphics Clubs, MRECW has its own Campus Radio broadcasting infotainment and offers an atmosphere of conglomeration of cultural and innovative curricular activities and recreation. Women Protection and Grievances Redressal Cell at MRECW ensures safety of the women students and creates awareness of the socio-cultural, political and biological complexities of the issue.
The institute is proud of its team which has an effective working culture necessary for the growth of faculty members. MRECW organizes several FDPs in association with AICTE (Cloud Computing on Speech, Image Video Processing Techniques, Analysis & Applications), JNTUH (Entrepreneurship Development) and NITTR (Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Open Source Technology, Web Content Development Using Moodle). It also initiates, organizes workshops and refresher courses in different engineering disciplines and effective teaching methodologies every semester to upgrade the knowledge of the faculty members.

Key Management:
Sri. Ch.MallaReddy,Founder Chairman
Over the last 27 years, Reddy has been striving to spread quality education. Under the aegis of the group and his leadership, 18 institutes offer various verticals of education.
Dr. Ch.Bhadra Reddy, President
Sri. Ch.Mahender Reddy - Secretary
Dr.Y.Madhavee Latha,Principal
B.Tech programs in ECE, CSE, EEE; IT, M.Tech programs in Embedded Systems and Computer Science Engineering, and MBA
Placement Companies: IBM, NTT DATA, TECH MAHENDRA, CAP GEMINI, Hinduja Global Solutions(HGS),7 Inc, Sutherland, Excers, Genpact, Effotronics, NTT Data, Apps Associate and Zen Q
The institute is proud of its team which has an effective working culture necessary for the growth of faculty members. MRECW organizes several FDPs in association with AICTE (Cloud Computing on Speech, Image Video Processing Techniques, Analysis & Applications), JNTUH (Entrepreneurship Development) and NITTR (Artificial Neural Network, Fuzzy Logic, Open Source Technology, Web Content Development Using Moodle). It also initiates, organizes workshops and refresher courses in different engineering disciplines and effective teaching methodologies every semester to upgrade the knowledge of the faculty members.

Key Management:
Sri. Ch.MallaReddy,Founder Chairman
Over the last 27 years, Reddy has been striving to spread quality education. Under the aegis of the group and his leadership, 18 institutes offer various verticals of education.
Dr. Ch.Bhadra Reddy, President
Sri. Ch.Mahender Reddy - Secretary
Dr.Y.Madhavee Latha,Principal
B.Tech programs in ECE, CSE, EEE; IT, M.Tech programs in Embedded Systems and Computer Science Engineering, and MBA
Placement Companies: IBM, NTT DATA, TECH MAHENDRA, CAP GEMINI, Hinduja Global Solutions(HGS),7 Inc, Sutherland, Excers, Genpact, Effotronics, NTT Data, Apps Associate and Zen Q