5 Ways New-Age Technology Is Changing The Education Landscape In India

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.- Nelson Mandela
We've all heard stories from our parents and grandparents about how they had to walk miles every day to their schools to even get even the most primitive education. Fortunately, the academic landscape has changed for the better. Not only the numbers of schools have increased, there has also been a substantial development in the way things are taught. Thanks to the implementation of the latest technologies.
The education sphere is evolving at an increasing rate and it is making learning fun and interactive. Let us throw some light on how education sector is being reformed with the help of new-age technological innovations.
Smart Classrooms are making learning more interactive and fun
While the old blackboard and chalk holds a certain sentimental value, it has its limitations. Smart Classrooms, however, make it easier for teachers to prepare their lessons and for students to understand them. With the help of this technology, teachers can segregate their lessons and present them in a multimedia-rich format. This makes learning more interactive and stimulates students' minds to focus more deeply on the subject.
With around 65% of the world population being visual learners, there is an incentive in making the learning process more visually appealing. While textbooks facilitate this, they have their limits. For instance, concepts like circulation and respiration are easier to understand with the help of videos and animations as compared to 2D illustrations.
As learning becomes easier, it also becomes more enjoyable for the students and they show greater interest in it. Schools that have adopted the Smart Class technology have seen a
significant rise in the number of students attending the classes.
Breaking barriers with Cloud Computing
Many children who want to study live in areas that do not have a single school. With the help of Cloud Computing and E-Learning, these children can have the opportunity to get quality education. This technology enables the teachers to reach out to the students remotely and disseminate knowledge in an efficient and easy to understand manner.
Technology has lent us the ability to take the classroom to the student and it plays a pivotal role in promoting education in India.
Personalized learning with AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Every student is unique and has his/her own pace of learning. Therefore, in order to get the best results, the pace of teaching needs to be customized according to the individual student. AI technology has made significant leaps in this direction in the past couple of years.
There are a number of AI applications that are facilitating customized learning with the help of various tools. With their help, the teachers can personalize the lessons according to the learning pace and styles of individual students. This competency-based learning makes learning easier for students and keeps them from getting bored or feeling overburdened.
Accurate Assessment
Evaluation is just as important a part of education as learning, and technological innovation can lend a hand in this regard. With the help of interactive quizzes and tests, teachers can better assess the level to which an individual student has understood a lesson and alter their teaching pattern accordingly.
With the help of technological aids, the teachers can get a clearer picture of the areas where a particular student is lacking and can then formulate a strategy to strengthen them.
The emergence of global classrooms
With the advent and implementation of technology in the teaching-learning sphere, new possibilities are presenting themselves. The students and teachers have now the option to collaborate outside the classroom on social media and other E-learning platforms to hold discussions on class projects. Facilities like video conferencing and wireless presentation systems allow teachers and students around the globe to connect with each other and collaborate productively.
It's like the old adage, "Knowledge is the only wealth that grows by sharing". Facilitating global collaboration, the technology has brought teachers and students closer than ever and breathed new life into the learning process. It is also an early sign of what the future of learning is going to be like.
Education and technology go hand in hand. They have a beautiful symbiotic relationship. They feed on each other and grow together. Education can stimulate and inspire young minds full of potential to develop new technology and that technology can then be used to fast-track education and the process can go on and on, getting better with every cycle.
Breaking barriers with Cloud Computing
Many children who want to study live in areas that do not have a single school. With the help of Cloud Computing and E-Learning, these children can have the opportunity to get quality education. This technology enables the teachers to reach out to the students remotely and disseminate knowledge in an efficient and easy to understand manner.
Technology has lent us the ability to take the classroom to the student and it plays a pivotal role in promoting education in India.
Personalized learning with AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Every student is unique and has his/her own pace of learning. Therefore, in order to get the best results, the pace of teaching needs to be customized according to the individual student. AI technology has made significant leaps in this direction in the past couple of years.
With around 65% of the world population being visual learners, there is an incentive in making the learning process more visually appealing
There are a number of AI applications that are facilitating customized learning with the help of various tools. With their help, the teachers can personalize the lessons according to the learning pace and styles of individual students. This competency-based learning makes learning easier for students and keeps them from getting bored or feeling overburdened.
Accurate Assessment
Evaluation is just as important a part of education as learning, and technological innovation can lend a hand in this regard. With the help of interactive quizzes and tests, teachers can better assess the level to which an individual student has understood a lesson and alter their teaching pattern accordingly.
With the help of technological aids, the teachers can get a clearer picture of the areas where a particular student is lacking and can then formulate a strategy to strengthen them.
The emergence of global classrooms
With the advent and implementation of technology in the teaching-learning sphere, new possibilities are presenting themselves. The students and teachers have now the option to collaborate outside the classroom on social media and other E-learning platforms to hold discussions on class projects. Facilities like video conferencing and wireless presentation systems allow teachers and students around the globe to connect with each other and collaborate productively.
It's like the old adage, "Knowledge is the only wealth that grows by sharing". Facilitating global collaboration, the technology has brought teachers and students closer than ever and breathed new life into the learning process. It is also an early sign of what the future of learning is going to be like.
Education and technology go hand in hand. They have a beautiful symbiotic relationship. They feed on each other and grow together. Education can stimulate and inspire young minds full of potential to develop new technology and that technology can then be used to fast-track education and the process can go on and on, getting better with every cycle.