How Technology Helps In Continuing Schools In Corona Times

Technology is a crucial tool that children use to productively carry-out ideas, acquire knowledge skills, and solve problems. Technology is both customisable and intrinsically motivating for children; it is compatible in expanding the learning experience. Research on the effectiveness of technology has so far mostly focused on higher education, but there is research that also suggests that uses of specific technology can improve the learning capabilities of students of all grades as well.
To fight the Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID-19) which is spreading at a very high pace, the government has made decisions for locking-down the whole country. This virus can spread through touching, sneezing or coughing. In short, it's a highly communicable disease which can be transmitted through contact or through mode of air, water and soil. Though this lock down is an impediment for our health, it is also disrupting business industries, education, and healthcare facilities around the globe and has impacted every industry. In short, this pandemic is affecting the global economy.
Amidst such difficult times, technology is proving to be vital in many sectors, including education. Education is one of the sectors which have been largely affected by the current situation. Schools and colleges have been working for various ways to connect with their students through electronic means by using technological aids and providing education to students at their personalised screen. COVID-19 has become a catalyst for educational institutions worldwide to search for an innovative solution in relatively short period. Educational institutions have been nudged and pushed for a change to continue
imparting knowledge and carry-on operations, leading to surprising innovations. To slow down the spread of virus, the education system is adopting technological help to deliver lectures to students at their home, and for this, institutions are taking help of online classes, video lectures and other technological methods.
Electronic Methods for Educating Students at their Homes
Online Classes: Schools and other educational institutions are adopting the practice of conducting online classes through which they impart their lectures and provide notes to the students amidst the lockdown protocol(s). For the purpose of providing classes online, such institutions have also started turning towards various apps and service providers like Zoom, Microsoft and many more. These web applications provide simplified interfaces and facilitate learning via virtual classrooms through which the teachers and students can interact, all from the safety and comfort of their homes.
Video Lectures: Alternatively, teachers and professors have also started providing video lectures in which they record the lectures and share them with their students on their emails, messaging apps or through other methods.
Pen Drive & Google Drive Classes: Education providers are also making active use of other methods of sharing the content through pen drives or by uploading it on Google drive and sharing the respective link(s) with their students.
Role of Technology in Education Sector
• Providing Class Facility: Through many applications or software, students can take their video-audio lectures from their home through PC/laptop or mobile phone.
• Solving Students' Query: Students can get their queries solved through mail, messages and other means.
• Online Tests: Students can give tests online and measure their efficiency & knowledge.
• Online Courses: Students can pursue some other set of courses to improvise their skills.
• Eco-Friendly: Technology removes paper concept and provides paperless education facility.
• Interactive Learning: Modern day applications facilitate interactive interfaces, enabling students and teacher to maintain a healthy remote learning platform while enjoying the goodness of interactions.
Technology is acting as a vital organ of the educational bodies around the globe in this difficult phase. The Coronavirus pandemic has taken the world by surprise and health has become the priority of every person. Lockdown protocols are one of the most important steps to avoid contact with this deadly virus. An electronic lecture is acting as saviour for the continuity of education and is impediment to shape the future leaders of our nation.
Electronic Methods for Educating Students at their Homes
Online Classes: Schools and other educational institutions are adopting the practice of conducting online classes through which they impart their lectures and provide notes to the students amidst the lockdown protocol(s). For the purpose of providing classes online, such institutions have also started turning towards various apps and service providers like Zoom, Microsoft and many more. These web applications provide simplified interfaces and facilitate learning via virtual classrooms through which the teachers and students can interact, all from the safety and comfort of their homes.
Video Lectures: Alternatively, teachers and professors have also started providing video lectures in which they record the lectures and share them with their students on their emails, messaging apps or through other methods.
Educational institutions have been nudged and pushed for a change to continue imparting knowledge and carry-on operations, leading to surprising innovations
Pen Drive & Google Drive Classes: Education providers are also making active use of other methods of sharing the content through pen drives or by uploading it on Google drive and sharing the respective link(s) with their students.
Role of Technology in Education Sector
• Providing Class Facility: Through many applications or software, students can take their video-audio lectures from their home through PC/laptop or mobile phone.
• Solving Students' Query: Students can get their queries solved through mail, messages and other means.
• Online Tests: Students can give tests online and measure their efficiency & knowledge.
• Online Courses: Students can pursue some other set of courses to improvise their skills.
• Eco-Friendly: Technology removes paper concept and provides paperless education facility.
• Interactive Learning: Modern day applications facilitate interactive interfaces, enabling students and teacher to maintain a healthy remote learning platform while enjoying the goodness of interactions.
Technology is acting as a vital organ of the educational bodies around the globe in this difficult phase. The Coronavirus pandemic has taken the world by surprise and health has become the priority of every person. Lockdown protocols are one of the most important steps to avoid contact with this deadly virus. An electronic lecture is acting as saviour for the continuity of education and is impediment to shape the future leaders of our nation.