• Delhi  Public  School Warangal: Rethinking Primary & Secondary Education With Global Best Practices
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    Delhi Public School Warangal: Rethinking Primary & Secondary Education With Global Best Practices

    Second only to Hyderabad, Warangal has already earned the sobriquet of an educational centre. It boasts of a NIT, Kakatiya University and Kaloji Health University and is on the threshold of adding more institutions to its tally. More like a higher education hub, Warangal has significantly catapulted the quality of higher education in the state. However, schooling was fairly an unchartered territory for educational developments. With nearly a quarter of India's population being in the age of attending school and college, whether our demographic situation is an asset for our country or not depends on the quality of their learning. Due to its legacy, good academic and extra-curricular performance and alumni network, schools affiliated with Delhi Public School Society are considered to be...


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