Dr. G.Nagarajan
professional skills and most importantly ethical values. Set curriculums updated to match current foresights in the society the university bears a renowned status among the top colleges in the country. Anna University claims recognition by the UGC, NAAC and the Council of Architecture (COA)and houses four highly reputed institutions such as Madras institute of Technology, College of Engineering- Guindy, Alagappa College of Technology and School of Architecture and Planning with extensive under-graduate, post-graduate and research programs.
Anna University offers 31 UG and 90 PG programmes in various disciplines in the University Departments and 41 UG and 57 PG programmes in Affliated Institutions and it boasts of 14000+ Ph.D scholars on roll in Science, Engineering and Technology. Accroding to QS World University
Anna University offers 31 UG and 90 PG programmes in various disciplines in the University Departments and 41 UG and 57 PG programmes in Affliated Institutions and it boasts of 14000+ Ph.D scholars on roll in Science, Engineering and Technology. Accroding to QS World University
Ranking, Anna University is ranked 201 during the year 2017-2018. Anna University is ranked 2nd in India in the ‘h’ index citations, based on the research papers published by its faculty members and research scholars. University is well known for its placements and notable recruiters include Adobe, Cat, Cognizant, IBM, Saint Gobain, Indian Oil, Wipro, Bosch, Accenture, TCS and many more. University also conducts two state-level exams TNEA (Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission) and TANCET (Tamil Nadu Common entrance Test). The campus is stretched to about 185 acres and they provide library which is about 4,122 sq.m. Around 10,157 registered users are in access of the library. Basic amenities like water purifiers, common room, recreation room, mess, TV, laundry and more are available within the hostel provided.