Bro. Johnson Rex Dhanabal
Director & Secretary
The Monument of Values
Patrician College is a Christian Minority Institution founded by the Brothers of St. Patrick situated in the heart of Chennai,in Adyar. The college works with the vision to uplift the less privileged ones. Hence utmost importance is given to students from marginalized group and the one who excels in sports. Students irrespective of their caste and creed are given opportunity to shape their life and turn it into a success story with dedication and perseverance. Affiliated to the University of Madras with each course eligibility criteria prescribed by the Directorate of Education, the college offers eleven UG and three PG programs in Commerce, Arts and Science streams providing teaching, and learning support by qualified faculty members. It also offers Scholarships from the management and channelize the process for students to obtain Government scholarships as well.
A Basketful of Offerings
Despite Commerce stream being its forte with subjects as Corporate Secretaryship, Accounting & Finance wherein 901 students are currently enrolled, Patrician’s true mix of subjects can be seen in the Arts and Science streams with a combination of a number of interesting subjects such as Psychology, Social Work, Visual Communication, English, Computer Science, Computer Application, Mathematics, the Art & Science stream ranging into a variant palette. These subjects at present are witnessing a number of infrastructural developments and opportunities in the college.
Among the latest developments in the college, the recently renamed Centre for Media studies offers Visual Communication, Electronics and Media vies for the top position in Chennai with state-of-the-art 80 seater Preview theatre, Sound & Editing room equipped with latest technologies, and Multi media lab. The Internal Quality
Assurance System, through the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), frames and implements quality parameters, organizes faculty development programs, and regularly reviews academic and non academic student development programs. In the quest to become a Centre of Excellence, the college is working towards upgrading the Research departments with the introduction of M.Phil courses, while planning to increase number of academic courses which is scheduled to be inducted in the next academic year.
Extended Facilities
The college within a span of 17 years has earned a name as a leading City College accredited as ‘A’ Grade Institution by NAAC and its ‘No Ragging’ policy further seals its commitment towards safety and security of girl students. The institute takes pride in its excellent infrastructure with fully air conditioned, well equipped Daniel Delany Library which houses 16,700 books in various subjects, reference books and 25 international and national journals. The college also has, Green Mat room, 100 seater computer lab, multi media lab, auditorium with the latest audio equipments,conference halls, and Psychology lab. Patrician’s management believes in the mantra‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy indeed!’.
Students at Patrician are encouraged to participate in sports, cultural events, and extension activities organized by the clubs, helping them grow holistically. Sports ground, Basket ball court with electronic scoreboard built to International standards, and Cricket pitch adds that extra niche to its pool of offerings.
Pertaining to the vision of making Patrician College a Centre of Excellence in Higher Education, the management team works to build human resources with values to make a significant contribution to society. The management team of the College works to build human resources with values to make a significant contribution to society in adherence to the vision of making Patrician College a Centre of Excellence in Higher Education. The college continuously upgrades itself in terms of faculty development, providing the ideal teaching-learning support, infrastructural facilities, organizing campus placement drives with reputed companies, and providing counseling welfare support wherever needed. Believing that the success of an educational institution lies on the shoulder of its faculties, Patrician College has a highly committed, qualified faculty providing an ideal teaching–learning environment. The faculty members continuously update themselves by attending workshops and seminars apart from helping arrear students, slow learners, and bridge courses in English grammar for first year Tamil medium students.Pertaining to the vision of making Patrician College a Centre of Excellence in Higher Education, the management team works to build human resources with values to make a significant contribution to society
Extended Facilities
The college within a span of 17 years has earned a name as a leading City College accredited as ‘A’ Grade Institution by NAAC and its ‘No Ragging’ policy further seals its commitment towards safety and security of girl students. The institute takes pride in its excellent infrastructure with fully air conditioned, well equipped Daniel Delany Library which houses 16,700 books in various subjects, reference books and 25 international and national journals. The college also has, Green Mat room, 100 seater computer lab, multi media lab, auditorium with the latest audio equipments,conference halls, and Psychology lab. Patrician’s management believes in the mantra‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy indeed!’.
Students at Patrician are encouraged to participate in sports, cultural events, and extension activities organized by the clubs, helping them grow holistically. Sports ground, Basket ball court with electronic scoreboard built to International standards, and Cricket pitch adds that extra niche to its pool of offerings.
Very often the institute has taken up community development through extension activities. The NSS organizes rural camp, Swach Bharath campaigns; its Rotaract club involved in social welfare activities; the Enviro club takes up recycling waste and cleaning in and outside of the college; and Literacy club adopts a slum and conducts literacy drives. Similarly, the Department of Social work has an outreach program where in they adopt a village and conducts a rural camp.
With such believes and extraordinary efforts, Patrician College of Arts and Science aims at making a difference in the life of students through assisting value based education. Further in coming years the college will induct more number of academic courses and even anvil autonomous state for itself.
Key Management:
Management Spokesperson:
Bro. Johnson Rex Dhanabal, Director & Secretary
Bro Johnson has been a part of administering the various institutions run by Brothers of St. Patrick. He was the Vice Principal at St.Patrick Academy, Dindigul and St. James’ School, Binnaguri, West Bengal. He was the Principal of St. Michael’s Academy, Adyar, Chenna and St. Patrick’s Academy, Clement Town, Deharadun.
During his tenure in various institutions, he has initiated various community development program. In recognition of his services Kings University, USA, has awarded him with Honorary Doctoral Degree. He has also received the Best Humanitarian Award by the Lions Club of Pudumai Gemini in 2017
Administration Spokesperson
Dr.A Joseph Durai,Principal
Dr.A Joseph Durai is an academician with wide administrative experience. He had his collegiate education in Loyola College, Chennai, and obtained his research degree in University of Madras through Madras Christian College, Tambaram. During his more than three decades of academic service, he has been involved in promoting students’ talent and personality development through various extra curricular activities as NSS Programme Officer, YRC District Organiser, and Fine Arts In-charge, without compromising his Research and Teaching Activities.
He has to his credit several publications in Indian and International journals, in addition to his research work through projects and guiding research scholars for their M Phil and Ph.D Degrees. He had been Member of Board of Studies of several Autonomous Colleges, Convener for Autonomous Review committee in Presidency College and NAAC Review committee. He is a life member of Indian Economic Association and Indian Red Cross Society.
Courses Offered:
Shift I
UG: B.A English, B.S.W., B.B.A, B.Com (Gen), B.Com (Corporate Secretaryship), B.Com (Accounting and Finance) B.C.A, B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc Visual Communication, B.Sc Mathematics, B.Sc Psychology,
PG: M.S.W., M.A English, M. Com
Shift II
B.Com (Gen), B.Com (Corporate Secretaryship), B.Com (Accounting and Finance) B.C.A, B.Sc Electronic Media.
Proposed Courses
Shift I: B.A (Econometrics)
Shift II: B.A (Econometrics), B.A. (Journalism), B.Sc (Computer Science), B.Sc.(Visual Communication), M.A. (Communication),M.Sc (Visual Communication), M.A (Criminology), M.Sc (Cyber Crime).
With such believes and extraordinary efforts, Patrician College of Arts and Science aims at making a difference in the life of students through assisting value based education. Further in coming years the college will induct more number of academic courses and even anvil autonomous state for itself.
Key Management:
Management Spokesperson:
Bro. Johnson Rex Dhanabal, Director & Secretary
Bro Johnson has been a part of administering the various institutions run by Brothers of St. Patrick. He was the Vice Principal at St.Patrick Academy, Dindigul and St. James’ School, Binnaguri, West Bengal. He was the Principal of St. Michael’s Academy, Adyar, Chenna and St. Patrick’s Academy, Clement Town, Deharadun.
During his tenure in various institutions, he has initiated various community development program. In recognition of his services Kings University, USA, has awarded him with Honorary Doctoral Degree. He has also received the Best Humanitarian Award by the Lions Club of Pudumai Gemini in 2017
Administration Spokesperson
Dr.A Joseph Durai,Principal
Dr.A Joseph Durai is an academician with wide administrative experience. He had his collegiate education in Loyola College, Chennai, and obtained his research degree in University of Madras through Madras Christian College, Tambaram. During his more than three decades of academic service, he has been involved in promoting students’ talent and personality development through various extra curricular activities as NSS Programme Officer, YRC District Organiser, and Fine Arts In-charge, without compromising his Research and Teaching Activities.
He has to his credit several publications in Indian and International journals, in addition to his research work through projects and guiding research scholars for their M Phil and Ph.D Degrees. He had been Member of Board of Studies of several Autonomous Colleges, Convener for Autonomous Review committee in Presidency College and NAAC Review committee. He is a life member of Indian Economic Association and Indian Red Cross Society.
Courses Offered:
Shift I
UG: B.A English, B.S.W., B.B.A, B.Com (Gen), B.Com (Corporate Secretaryship), B.Com (Accounting and Finance) B.C.A, B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc Visual Communication, B.Sc Mathematics, B.Sc Psychology,
PG: M.S.W., M.A English, M. Com
Shift II
B.Com (Gen), B.Com (Corporate Secretaryship), B.Com (Accounting and Finance) B.C.A, B.Sc Electronic Media.
Proposed Courses
Shift I: B.A (Econometrics)
Shift II: B.A (Econometrics), B.A. (Journalism), B.Sc (Computer Science), B.Sc.(Visual Communication), M.A. (Communication),M.Sc (Visual Communication), M.A (Criminology), M.Sc (Cyber Crime).