The focus of ALC has been on providing justice education. The endeavor is to treat every student as
an individual to identify their potential and to ensure that they receive the best preparation and training for attaining their career objectives and life goals, and accordingly the program objectives and learning outcome has been setup and mapped with each course.
“The emphasis of ALC is more on innovative and interactive teaching pedagogy. The pragmatic learning in every course allows students to focus more on affective are as in addition to their cognitive development. The“Crafting Prodigy Program” has also been developed by the Centre for Skill Development at ALC, which is a unique skill development program focusing on the overall development of the students by their crafters, who assist them in identifying their skills and abilities and motiva test them to work on them with a focus on developing independent and responsible individuals,” says Kritika Malhotra, HOD, Asian Law College.
The institution believes that for transforming its students into globally competitive professionals,
ALC focuses on providing quality education, which eventually strengthens the republican values and access of justice
“The emphasis of ALC is more on innovative and interactive teaching pedagogy. The pragmatic learning in every course allows students to focus more on affective are as in addition to their cognitive development. The“Crafting Prodigy Program” has also been developed by the Centre for Skill Development at ALC, which is a unique skill development program focusing on the overall development of the students by their crafters, who assist them in identifying their skills and abilities and motiva test them to work on them with a focus on developing independent and responsible individuals,” says Kritika Malhotra, HOD, Asian Law College.
The institution believes that for transforming its students into globally competitive professionals,
the regular curriculum should be supplemented by additional inputs, which would ensure the overall development of the student’s personality.In harmony with this thought, ALC supports a diversity of student clubs, which are consistent with the educational thought process of the institute. “The weekly club activities in ALC are planned in a way that it provides a setting to each student to become involved and interact with other students, leading to increased learning and enhanced development. The principal goal of organizing such club activities is for the students to develop the art of critical thinking, time management and academic & intellectual competence”, claims Kritika.
Today, because of mush rooming growth of legal educational institutions, content and quality management has become a tough task.In this competitive era, there is a race of becoming the best legal institute;I would like to humbly submit that we are not intending to be anybody. We are trying to grow at our own pace and are bench marking and emerging with our own set quality parameters. Through ideal training, ALC focuses on providing quality education, which eventually strengthens the republican values and access of justice,”concludes Kritika.
Today, because of mush rooming growth of legal educational institutions, content and quality management has become a tough task.In this competitive era, there is a race of becoming the best legal institute;I would like to humbly submit that we are not intending to be anybody. We are trying to grow at our own pace and are bench marking and emerging with our own set quality parameters. Through ideal training, ALC focuses on providing quality education, which eventually strengthens the republican values and access of justice,”concludes Kritika.