
IIT Roorkee Prof V C Srivastava Receives NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Award

Friday, 23 November 2018, 12:40 IST
Si TeamIIT Roorkee Professor Vimal Chandra Srivastava received the NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Award for ‘Environmental Sound Sustainable Development’ category by Shri M Venkalah Naidu, Vice President of India at Delhi.The award is fro India’s most promising researchers working infirld of Earth, Ocenographic, Environmental and Ecological Studies, Social Science and Ecosystem and who have contributed towards protecting our planet and conserving its natural resources. The award was instigated by Elsevier in 2008 and the winner is selected in conjunction of NASI- National Science Academy, India from the year 2009.
Having worked extensively in the Department of Chemicla Engineering, his experience has awarded him for his work on industrial wastewater treatment, clean liquid fuels, multi-component adsorption and helped in creating a cleaner urban environment. He has also converted agriculture and industrial wastes to value-added products for treatment of industrial wastewater and other usage and developed statistical methods and industrial usability for use in refineries & other industries. Dr. Srivastava has also playes a pivotal role in production of alternative fuels based on carbon dioxide and has successfully authored 170 papers on his major research interests of Chemical & environmental engineering, wastewater treatment, alternative fuels, desulfurization and valorization of industrial wastes and agricultural residues.

Besides NASI-Scopus, Dr. Srivastava has been awarded several prestigious wards like ProSPER,Net-Scopus Young Researcher Award 2010- first runner-up prize in Asia-Pacific region, INSA Young Scientist Award, Young Engineer Awards by Indian National Academy of Engineers Institutions of Engineers, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineer and many more.