Mar Baselios College Of Engineering And Technology: Bestowing a Unique Blend of Quality Education and Fundamental Human Values

Abraham T Mathew
There is a dire need to improve the skill set of engineering graduates of the 21st century. How shall we enable higher-order skills, such as the ability in analyzing and solving engineering problems? It is felt that engineering education institutions should seek to improve the skill set of graduates by exercising their authority on the academics. The teaching-learning process, curricula and assessment are to be handled in an integrated form to enable the deeper learning needed to equip the students to take up jobs in a fast changing, knowledge driven economy of the current realm. Focusing on all these aspects, since its inception, Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology(MBCET)has revamped the systems and processes after becoming autonomous in 2020 and works synergistically to promote the trios of knowledge, skill, and attitude as the pertinent qualities of the engineering students by utilizing its autonomous status. College is moving forward by imbibing the spirit from its motto "Duc in Altum" means "leading to the heights of excellence".
Situated in the heart of one of the fast growing metros of South India and the capital of Kerala State, namely, Thiruvananthapuram, MBCET was established in the year 2002 by His Beatitude Moran Mor Cyril Baselios Catholicos, the first Major Archbishop of the Syro Malankara Catholic Church. College is administered by the Church through the charitable the Society namely Malankara Catholic Educational Society of Major Archdiocese of Trivandrum. His Beatitude Moran Mor Baselios Cardinal Cleemis Catholicos, Major Archbishop-Catholicos of the Syro Malankara Catholic Church is presently the Patron and Manager of MBCET.

College is affiliated to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University and is accredited by NAAC with a score of 3.13 and A Grade. The innovation ecosystem of the campus is promoted by joining with the National movements like Innovation Council of the Ministry of Education, Government of India and by working with the Kerala Startup Mission. It is a matter of great pride to mention that an Innovation Performance Rating of 4.5-Star for the year 2019-2020 was awarded by the Ministry's Innovation Council and a rating of 4.0 in 2020-2021 puts the College to stand shoulder to shoulder with many leading institutions of the Country.
College has ventured to create the Maker Space named as The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre(IEDC) with support from the Kerala Startup Mission in 2014. It has incubated dozens of ideas and facilitated the launch of a number of startups till date. The innovation portfolio is becoming brighter and brighter with the award of the Technology Business Incubator(TBI) status by the Kerala Startup Mission for the IEDC, very recently, considering the dynamism and enthusiasm shown by the student community. It helps in leveraging the incubation activities being done through the Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the College. Presence of a sprawling 40000 sq.ft. co working space under the umbrella of Cardinal Cleem is Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship is a unique feature of our fortified Mar Ivanios Vidyanagar campus. The campus is home to more than 17 institutions apart from MBCET.
Transforming Students into Globally Competent Professionals
"This Engineering College is meant to train and develop men and women of high calibre, equipped with the most modern scientific knowledge and technological skills destined not only to help our people in their march towards progress but also to bring glory and honour to our people and our country", said His Beatitude Moran Mor Cyril Baselios Catholicos on the day of inauguration of the College in 2002.
Conferred with autonomous status in July 2020, College is progressing in the direction of consolidating its strengths and developing the strategies to reach the new heights of excellence. College offers five B.Tech Programmes in the conventional branches with consistently high enrollment. All the B.Tech Programmes MBCET has set the tradition of handholding students from the beginning itself, the training part goes along with academics so that students can develop their personalities. In MBCET, there is a strong facultywere first accredited in 2016 and got reaccredited in 2019.
There are special electives in the areas of AI and Machine Learning, which are offered through the programme electives/minor/honors to ensure a wider coverage of skill domains and to develop different levels of competencies as required for the various types of jobs. The strong tie up with the industries pave the way for garnering attention of the industrial ecosystem of this part of the State. This had resulted in record placement offers in the current year, despite the pandemic. The M.Tech programmes offered are in the areas of Telecommunication Engineering, Structural Engineering, Machine Design, Power Drives and Control and Computer Science and Engineering. College is also hosting many Ph.D Scholars, who pursue research under the affiliating. University. Placements are also secured by the M.Tech and Ph.D scholars through the initiatives of the Departments.
MBCET has set the tradition of hand holding students from the beginning itself, the training part goes along with academics so that students can develop their personalities. In MBCET, there is a strong faculty advisory system by which the advisor mentors a group of 20 to 25 students from the first day of admission onwards. The advisor identifies the students' potential and the interests and guides them accordingly in their course works and internships. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell is methodically overseeing the performance of all the Departments and Divisions.
MBCET believes in keeping its faculties up-to-date with the knowledge of latest trends and technologies in their areas of expertise through different channels. Keeping it in mind, a Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) was formed to inspire, support, and strengthen new directions in pedagogy and learning at MBCET. TLC facilitates courses through custom-made workshops, good teaching practices, innovation in teaching methods. TLC receives technical support from the faculty of the elite institutions like IIT Madras, IIT Bombay, Bennet University, NIT Calicut, IIST, NITK Surathkal, Amritha University, and so on for conducting the faculty training and development programs in the subject domain as well as pedagogy. College is also in the forefront in promoting the cultural activities, sports and games in the campus and also by sending students to the National level and Inter University level competitions.

Opening Doors of Opportunities
MBCET has formally institutionalized the collaborations with the industry by creating a new portfolio of "Corporate Relations" in 2020 along with the advent of autonomy. The new division is facilitating the creation of an ecosystem for the promotion of skill development and also enables industry-academia collaborations. It also provides career guidance, ensures placements, promotes innovation, and supports entrepreneurship. The College has signed several MoUs with a number of industry collaborators, so as to get preferential treatment for training and internships. The list of our industry partners includes GTech, Technopark, Vydyuthi Energy Services, Tata Elxsi, HLL Lifecare Ltd, NISH, BSNL RTC, VinVish, and so on. Career oriented training programmes are being planned to make the student `fit for job from day one'.
To augment the quality of higher education, the college has been trying to globalize the community by establishing connectivity with the leading international Universities like Bowie State University(USA), Gannon University(USA), Malardaien University(Sweden), University of Dayton(USA), Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne(Australia), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts(USA), University of Technology(Malaysia)and others.
College is working on its own Resource Centre for content generation because online learning has become a new norm these days. 3D animation and AR/VR shall also be used in content generation so as to help in the delivery of the contents of the engineering subjects to enable immersive learning. The college is also finding opportunities for training and mass employment generation in the high-tech areas because now every aspect of life is influenced by high technology in some form or the other. So, the social and community aspects of digital learning are also being investigated. Seamless connectivity to the foreign institutions are being worked out to become globally competent in education and high end research.
Since the College is centrally located in a fast expanding industrial ecosystem of Kerala and because of the geographical advantage it is seen that there are many enabling factors that come in its favour to excel. So, College is enthusiastically going forward by drawing its strength from the grand push being offered by the Management and the Government. It is sure that such enablers will help it to attain a stable growth and reach the pinnacle of excellence in engineering education and research in the coming years.
"This Engineering College is meant to train and develop men and women of high calibre, equipped with the most modern scientific knowledge and technological skills destined not only to help our people in their march towards progress but also to bring glory and honour to our people and our country", said His Beatitude Moran Mor Cyril Baselios Catholicos on the day of inauguration of the College in 2002.
Conferred with autonomous status in July 2020, College is progressing in the direction of consolidating its strengths and developing the strategies to reach the new heights of excellence. College offers five B.Tech Programmes in the conventional branches with consistently high enrollment. All the B.Tech Programmes MBCET has set the tradition of handholding students from the beginning itself, the training part goes along with academics so that students can develop their personalities. In MBCET, there is a strong facultywere first accredited in 2016 and got reaccredited in 2019.
There are special electives in the areas of AI and Machine Learning, which are offered through the programme electives/minor/honors to ensure a wider coverage of skill domains and to develop different levels of competencies as required for the various types of jobs. The strong tie up with the industries pave the way for garnering attention of the industrial ecosystem of this part of the State. This had resulted in record placement offers in the current year, despite the pandemic. The M.Tech programmes offered are in the areas of Telecommunication Engineering, Structural Engineering, Machine Design, Power Drives and Control and Computer Science and Engineering. College is also hosting many Ph.D Scholars, who pursue research under the affiliating. University. Placements are also secured by the M.Tech and Ph.D scholars through the initiatives of the Departments.
MBCET has set the tradition of hand holding students from the beginning itself, the training part goes along with academics so that students can develop their personalities. In MBCET, there is a strong faculty advisory system by which the advisor mentors a group of 20 to 25 students from the first day of admission onwards. The advisor identifies the students' potential and the interests and guides them accordingly in their course works and internships. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell is methodically overseeing the performance of all the Departments and Divisions.
We wish to reach out to all sections of our society, without any consideration of religion, caste, creed or financial status. Quality for Nation building is our slogan
MBCET believes in keeping its faculties up-to-date with the knowledge of latest trends and technologies in their areas of expertise through different channels. Keeping it in mind, a Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) was formed to inspire, support, and strengthen new directions in pedagogy and learning at MBCET. TLC facilitates courses through custom-made workshops, good teaching practices, innovation in teaching methods. TLC receives technical support from the faculty of the elite institutions like IIT Madras, IIT Bombay, Bennet University, NIT Calicut, IIST, NITK Surathkal, Amritha University, and so on for conducting the faculty training and development programs in the subject domain as well as pedagogy. College is also in the forefront in promoting the cultural activities, sports and games in the campus and also by sending students to the National level and Inter University level competitions.

Opening Doors of Opportunities
MBCET has formally institutionalized the collaborations with the industry by creating a new portfolio of "Corporate Relations" in 2020 along with the advent of autonomy. The new division is facilitating the creation of an ecosystem for the promotion of skill development and also enables industry-academia collaborations. It also provides career guidance, ensures placements, promotes innovation, and supports entrepreneurship. The College has signed several MoUs with a number of industry collaborators, so as to get preferential treatment for training and internships. The list of our industry partners includes GTech, Technopark, Vydyuthi Energy Services, Tata Elxsi, HLL Lifecare Ltd, NISH, BSNL RTC, VinVish, and so on. Career oriented training programmes are being planned to make the student `fit for job from day one'.
To augment the quality of higher education, the college has been trying to globalize the community by establishing connectivity with the leading international Universities like Bowie State University(USA), Gannon University(USA), Malardaien University(Sweden), University of Dayton(USA), Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne(Australia), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts(USA), University of Technology(Malaysia)and others.
College is working on its own Resource Centre for content generation because online learning has become a new norm these days. 3D animation and AR/VR shall also be used in content generation so as to help in the delivery of the contents of the engineering subjects to enable immersive learning. The college is also finding opportunities for training and mass employment generation in the high-tech areas because now every aspect of life is influenced by high technology in some form or the other. So, the social and community aspects of digital learning are also being investigated. Seamless connectivity to the foreign institutions are being worked out to become globally competent in education and high end research.
Since the College is centrally located in a fast expanding industrial ecosystem of Kerala and because of the geographical advantage it is seen that there are many enabling factors that come in its favour to excel. So, College is enthusiastically going forward by drawing its strength from the grand push being offered by the Management and the Government. It is sure that such enablers will help it to attain a stable growth and reach the pinnacle of excellence in engineering education and research in the coming years.