Impact of Technology on Current Education System

The fact that technology has influenced our lives in a million different ways is no longer looked at as an anomaly but has been written off as part as a long evolutionary process in which our lives revolve around technology. Technology has successfully fulfilled every aspect of our lives- it is no wonder that an aspect as important as education will be drastically effected as well. Technology has made learning easier, more fun and interactive and children are grasping ideas, concepts and theories quicker than ever before.
Research & Development in every field persists in ensuring technology is amalgamated in every aspect of our lives. The advent and integration of the internet has revolutionized the way we access content, process information, form opinions and gain knowledge. As a result of this technological revolution, education has imbibed technology in the form of apps, online courses and 3D modules which has modernized the face of education.
Education has moved away from the traditional chalkboard technique to a method that involves a more tangible and visual approach to teaching children. Education can now be defined as the art of creating, preserving, integrating, transmitting and applying knowledge while knowledge itself is described to be revisionary, creative, personal and pluralistic.
Classrooms are no longer restricted to brick and mortar and have made it possible for students to gain knowledge wherever they are through 3D virtual classrooms, at the click of a button. With a greater confluence of technology such as projectors and tablets, there has been a huge change in the tides from books to eBooks; learning to e-learning. In the last decade, various tools have helped the teachers explain difficult concepts visually and in an easy-to-grasp methodology. It enables teachers to create an interactive environment for the students to grow while still maintaining a novel yet fun approach to learning.
Projectors have replaced blackboards which have further evolved into smart boards. They provide an interactive experience for both the students and teachers and provide a variety of learning styles. The touch screen capabilities allow tactile learners to touch and interact with the board and also cater to students who learn through visual mediums.
The heavy text books have been replaced by tablet so now rather than carrying books, the student only need their tablets with a built in LMS systems. The regular changes in the curriculum are in the form of an automatic update that they are made available. Besides being an ecofriendly option, the tablet also promotes creativity–draw, compose music or make films which make the students become a creative force.
The significant challenge in education is to involve students in a meaningful way and make them genuinely interested in the subject. Educational games play an essential role and endeavors to make this feasible by overcoming the drudgery of studying and chances of getting distracted by setting a lesson inside a game. The introduction of leader boards, bestowing of badges on the fulfillment of tasks, giving daily graphs of progress, cutting down learning into small tasks tend to make a lot of students more interested in studying. Such games can enhance student commitment to higher levels.
Technology also allows students to engage with others from different continents and countries on a global platform that is a service that several new institutions provide. This provides a variety of courses for the students to study and pursue their dreams. The massive open online courses are becoming increasingly popular with students and working professionals looking to hone their skills and gain extra credits and degrees. With a flexible schedule and a consistent availability, it allows these students to study at their own pace with a comfortable learning environment. These are popular with working professionals that do not have the time for regular classroom lectures.
Computer technology has accelerated the learning trajectory of differently abled students. With the help of educational tools, therapy and learning techniques, differently abled students are quickly closing the gap between them and regular students. Learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD and Autism are now possible to curb and control with the help of early intervention, therapy and aided educational techniques. These students can use speech recognition tools to turn speech into shareable text, e-books to eliminate page turning and portable eye-gaze devices that are controlled by blinks. These technologies help the students to understand the concepts better and allow to easily integrate special needs students into general education.
The smart phones provide universal access functionality which includes speech recognition screen-reading tools, braille displays and text-to-speech solutions for the visually impaired and technologies which include video conferencing that facilitate lip reading for the hearing impaired and sign language.
Today’s education system and techniques are arming students for the future. By ensuring an early integration of technology,students are progressing leaps and bounds as compared to the previous generation. Real time solutions to problems allow children to make a lot more progress on a daily basis. As technology progresses to be all encompassing, the collective intelligence of the new generation is believed to grow as well i.e. children understand and apply concepts at a much quicker rate than before; the average intelligence is considered much higher than it used to be. Technology integration into education is a boon in this modern day and age and will continue to bewilder and fascinate us as the years go by.
What we could expect in the future that Smartphone could become the new notebook with multiple education apps which would help the students carry the content with them and access it anytime. Smart phones already have features such as touch, sound and light sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer, proximity sensors and much more. Key sensors will allow learning to come to life on a screen- experiential learning anytime, and any where.As technology progresses to be all encompassing, the collective intelligence of the new generation is believed to grow as well
The significant challenge in education is to involve students in a meaningful way and make them genuinely interested in the subject. Educational games play an essential role and endeavors to make this feasible by overcoming the drudgery of studying and chances of getting distracted by setting a lesson inside a game. The introduction of leader boards, bestowing of badges on the fulfillment of tasks, giving daily graphs of progress, cutting down learning into small tasks tend to make a lot of students more interested in studying. Such games can enhance student commitment to higher levels.
Technology also allows students to engage with others from different continents and countries on a global platform that is a service that several new institutions provide. This provides a variety of courses for the students to study and pursue their dreams. The massive open online courses are becoming increasingly popular with students and working professionals looking to hone their skills and gain extra credits and degrees. With a flexible schedule and a consistent availability, it allows these students to study at their own pace with a comfortable learning environment. These are popular with working professionals that do not have the time for regular classroom lectures.
Computer technology has accelerated the learning trajectory of differently abled students. With the help of educational tools, therapy and learning techniques, differently abled students are quickly closing the gap between them and regular students. Learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD and Autism are now possible to curb and control with the help of early intervention, therapy and aided educational techniques. These students can use speech recognition tools to turn speech into shareable text, e-books to eliminate page turning and portable eye-gaze devices that are controlled by blinks. These technologies help the students to understand the concepts better and allow to easily integrate special needs students into general education.
The smart phones provide universal access functionality which includes speech recognition screen-reading tools, braille displays and text-to-speech solutions for the visually impaired and technologies which include video conferencing that facilitate lip reading for the hearing impaired and sign language.
Today’s education system and techniques are arming students for the future. By ensuring an early integration of technology,students are progressing leaps and bounds as compared to the previous generation. Real time solutions to problems allow children to make a lot more progress on a daily basis. As technology progresses to be all encompassing, the collective intelligence of the new generation is believed to grow as well i.e. children understand and apply concepts at a much quicker rate than before; the average intelligence is considered much higher than it used to be. Technology integration into education is a boon in this modern day and age and will continue to bewilder and fascinate us as the years go by.