Technology Transforming Education System In India

Education today is more than just text books and learning in the traditional classroom learning is transforming into an experience. Bridging this gap between how students want to learn and how the system can be redefined to suit their needs is technology. Technology as we know has penetrated every part of our lives seamlessly and the education sector is one of the areas which is seeing a big focus.
Experiential & Holistic Learning through Technology
Concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, IoT, and more have made entry into the world of education. Technology has made learning interactive, and students learn by doing, researching, and receiving feedback, which helps them comprehend subjects better. Simulation & interactive software encourages learning and experimentation with theoretical subjects in non-traditional ways. For example, study of geography using interactive software such as Google Maps or Google Earth or simulation tools which show how planetary movements hap-pen, enables students to see how things work, rather than looking at pictures and text. This also helps them develop creative thinking and dynamic problem solving early on.
Teachers have been trying to create a more dynamic classroom experience for decades and technology has aided that too. This has taken shape in the form of `flipped classrooms' (where educational content is delivered outside of the classroom, and activities traditionally considered `homework' move into the classroom), digital quizzes and assessments, videos, simulations, and gamification in course content, all of which place a strong emphasis
on group work and peer collaboration, which are key skills required in today's day and age.
Technology facilitates active exchange of information amongst students and their teachers. Online groups, web pages, and virtual communities connect both in real time, and anywhere around the world. Students can receive feedback from their teachers and share questions and concerns about their lessons. By listening to and reading about others' opinions and feedback, their thinking gets refined with higher levels of understanding attained.
Technology can also play a pivotal role in aiding teachers and educational institutions with management tasks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a great ability to expedite and simplify operational activities. It can help teachers and educators in grading, assessing, and monitoring students' progress by evaluating their assignments, through corrective guidelines, and customizing the personal learning experience for each student, via data-driven analysis.
Innovating Today for a Better Tomorrow
In the last few years, the approach of the parent, teacher, and student fraternity in India is veering towards the on-line world, especially in urban India. Disruption by technology in education has seen several startups capitalizing on this opportunity. There is a significant investment seen in app-based platforms which provide emerging digital learning formats, including interactive games, learning management systems, and hands-on learning methodologies, which promise improved learning experiences and outcomes.
There is also an emergence of firms focusing on on-line tutoring, live learning, and development of hybrid solutions, including textbooks and digital material (in offline & online form), to seamlessly integrate with in-class and at-home learning so that it is much easier for a student to understand a concept. There are also solutions for teachers/educators in the form of online communities where ideas can be exchanged and educational content sold, and platforms which facilitate learning communities of teachers, parents and students, facilitating communication in a safe and secure environment. The startup boom has an overall impact on the economy. With their increasing presence in the education sector, the ripple effects are seen in other industries too, creating a plethora of new job opportunities in its wake.
Pioneering an Era
In this evolving scenario, it is imperative that the entire ecosystem encourages the adoption of technology solutions in delivering learning. While leading institutions across India are imbibing AI and related technology to boost their learning process and provide the most advanced education to students competing at a global level, the government has also undertaken initiatives along these lines, which will yield results in the next few years. Schools too are slowly but surely making inroads into adopting technology, to create a learning environment where young minds are pushed to think beyond boundaries and come-up with interesting solutions to everyday problems. Thus, education with the help of technology is rewriting the future of our world, today.
Technology facilitates active exchange of information amongst students and their teachers. Online groups, web pages, and virtual communities connect both in real time, and anywhere around the world. Students can receive feedback from their teachers and share questions and concerns about their lessons. By listening to and reading about others' opinions and feedback, their thinking gets refined with higher levels of understanding attained.
Technology can also play a pivotal role in aiding teachers and educational institutions with management tasks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a great ability to expedite and simplify operational activities. It can help teachers and educators in grading, assessing, and monitoring students' progress by evaluating their assignments, through corrective guidelines, and customizing the personal learning experience for each student, via data-driven analysis.
Innovating Today for a Better Tomorrow
In the last few years, the approach of the parent, teacher, and student fraternity in India is veering towards the on-line world, especially in urban India. Disruption by technology in education has seen several startups capitalizing on this opportunity. There is a significant investment seen in app-based platforms which provide emerging digital learning formats, including interactive games, learning management systems, and hands-on learning methodologies, which promise improved learning experiences and outcomes.
There is also an emergence of firms focusing on on-line tutoring, live learning, and development of hybrid solutions, including textbooks and digital material (in offline & online form), to seamlessly integrate with in-class and at-home learning so that it is much easier for a student to understand a concept. There are also solutions for teachers/educators in the form of online communities where ideas can be exchanged and educational content sold, and platforms which facilitate learning communities of teachers, parents and students, facilitating communication in a safe and secure environment. The startup boom has an overall impact on the economy. With their increasing presence in the education sector, the ripple effects are seen in other industries too, creating a plethora of new job opportunities in its wake.
Pioneering an Era
In this evolving scenario, it is imperative that the entire ecosystem encourages the adoption of technology solutions in delivering learning. While leading institutions across India are imbibing AI and related technology to boost their learning process and provide the most advanced education to students competing at a global level, the government has also undertaken initiatives along these lines, which will yield results in the next few years. Schools too are slowly but surely making inroads into adopting technology, to create a learning environment where young minds are pushed to think beyond boundaries and come-up with interesting solutions to everyday problems. Thus, education with the help of technology is rewriting the future of our world, today.