Listening to one's instinct is very crucial while choosing a career

Achieving Goals Become Easy
It has been scientifically and philosophically proved that achieving a certain target in life becomes easier if you have any personal interest towards that target. Thus if you choose a career that aids you fulfilling your own goals in life and not those that are set by someone else, the process becomes not only easier but also you get immense pleasure every time a milestone has been achieved. In simpler words you work for your own interests and not for someone else’s and thus you never get the boredom of actually being at work.
Chances of Achieving Greater Financial assets
Time is Money. The more time you spend for work the more money you generate. Now, as money is proportionate to time, time is also proportionate to passion. You spend more time or extra time on any activity only when you feel passionate doing that activity and every extra time you spend is the extra money you generate. Thus choosing a career that in itself is a passion for you, certainly have more chances of generating greater financial assets than perusing a career just with a vision of making more money.
Less Chances of Getting Distracted:
A career is something you have to go a long way with. If you don’t have a fixed vision it will become difficult to focus and there are chances that at some point of career you might get distracted. You get confused of what you actually want to do and then start changing career paths with the view of finding the correct one but it never happens so. Thus, your career just becomes a source of income and has nothing to do which what you want to do.
Overall Well Being of Self and Surrounding:
A forced decision is never good for you as well as people living around you. All of us know about hand eye coordination but there is also something called soul mind coordination which in many cases also acts like a pre stage of hand eye coordination. How you feel, how you act and how you perform is decided by your brain and scientifically speaking there is something called as response to stimuli which states that for every reaction of the outer world you generate your own distinct action. This action is not same for each individual. This is the time when soul comes into role.
The process is complicated and not easy to explain in limited words but the gist is that if you are doing something from the heart you get surrounded by positive aura and thus, no matter whatever reaction happens in the outer world your positivity remains same which not only affects your performance at work but also creates a positive environment for others working with you.
Time is Money. The more time you spend for work the more money you generate. Now, as money is proportionate to time, time is also proportionate to passion. You spend more time or extra time on any activity only when you feel passionate doing that activity and every extra time you spend is the extra money you generate. Thus choosing a career that in itself is a passion for you, certainly have more chances of generating greater financial assets than perusing a career just with a vision of making more money.
Less Chances of Getting Distracted:
A career is something you have to go a long way with. If you don’t have a fixed vision it will become difficult to focus and there are chances that at some point of career you might get distracted. You get confused of what you actually want to do and then start changing career paths with the view of finding the correct one but it never happens so. Thus, your career just becomes a source of income and has nothing to do which what you want to do.
Overall Well Being of Self and Surrounding:
A forced decision is never good for you as well as people living around you. All of us know about hand eye coordination but there is also something called soul mind coordination which in many cases also acts like a pre stage of hand eye coordination. How you feel, how you act and how you perform is decided by your brain and scientifically speaking there is something called as response to stimuli which states that for every reaction of the outer world you generate your own distinct action. This action is not same for each individual. This is the time when soul comes into role.
The process is complicated and not easy to explain in limited words but the gist is that if you are doing something from the heart you get surrounded by positive aura and thus, no matter whatever reaction happens in the outer world your positivity remains same which not only affects your performance at work but also creates a positive environment for others working with you.