
Cloud And NLP Are The Key Drivers For AI In Edtech

Eight year old Ayaan wakes up in the morning, brushes his teeth and takes a shower. His parents are both home, and after a quick breakfast, it’s time for them to begin their work calls for the day. Ayaan heads to his room, where his mother logs into her laptop, turns it towards him and ‘Good morning teacher’ is heard on the speakers. And thus begins yet another day of e-learning for Ayaan and his schoolmates...

Sounds familiar? This is just one example of what our everyday life looks like. The world before February 2020 and after March 2020 are eerily different from each other - ever since the Covid-19 virus knocked at our doors, our lives have been completely transformed. Who would have thought that digital classrooms would become a reality that’s here to stay for the foreseeable future so soon! Amongst all the industries that have had to adapt, stay agile and evolve at an amazingly high speed, education is definitely at the top.

There is a sea of technology that can help industry leaders disrupt and set new success benchmarks when it comes to digital education initiatives

Impact of Covid 19 on EdTech
With the ongoing pandemic, intelligent technological intervention has shaped up learning opportunities for students all across the globe. A few years ago, it would probably be ‘good to have’, but considering the current scenario and the role of the education sector in economic development, making the move to a digital first EdTech setup is the best bet for education providers today. While the suddenness of the move may be a little overwhelming, it is also quite refreshing to see the leap from age-old traditional mechanisms to evolved infrastructure that is much more easily accessible than physical learning centres. EdTech not only promotes interactive learning, but also ensures process and cost efficiency for both, education providers, and students.

The Role of Cloud and AI in EdTech
There is a sea of technology that can help industry leaders disrupt and set new success benchmarks when it comes to digital education initiatives. However, in a digital first setup, one thing that is absolutely imperative to have is 24x7 cloud support. We are living in a time when hyper connectivity is not just a trend, and the internet is almost a way of life. The education industry needs to ingrain IoT and cloud driven solutions into their service offerings, to enable seamless virtual interactions, no matter the distance.

That’s not all. Digitized, cloud enabled infrastructure is highly resilient and easy to upgrade. It also offers providers with enhanced accessibility and speed efficient processes that can make education available for anyone, anywhere. The right mix of connected devices can enable schools, colleges and learning centres to take multiple classes all at once, without the hassle of worrying about bandwidth issues or failed logins. This is extremely beneficial, especially for a country like India, where reaching out to rural areas has been a problem for traditional education initiatives. Economics of scale with cloud will further bring down the cost of education, and reach people across financial barriers.

How Natural Language Processing can help
As we bring in more digital led solutions, managing data becomes all the more important. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a tool driving the present and the future of EdTech. In fact, Natural Language Processing through AI has been one of the leading innovations that has set industry leaders apart in the last half a decade or so. And it is through these NLP and AI technologies that we can create more humane solutions in education. Automating cognitive decisions will play a big role in preparing for schools of the future!

Speech to Text transcriptions have already started gaining prominence, along with intelligent bots who can transcribe digital interactions between the student and the device. These trends are not short term, but here to stay. If we keep online classes going, a ZOOM classroom where the computer takes automatic notes for you is not too far away! NLP can also enable easy discussions between students and teachers, and automatically connect to and record their performance in real time through an IoT connected database. Combine this with machine learning techniques, and teachers may be able to pull out key concepts and chapters in the blink of an eye and conduct online assessments at a fraction of the current speed! The implications of regional scalability are indeed quite diverse and huge with NLP, as it can enable listening/ pronunciation lessons to improve communication in regional and foregin languages. This will drastically reduce the workload and stress of teachers and help them build meaningful connections with students.

The pandemic has certainly proved to be an accelerator for digital transformation in education. However, the one learning we should all take away from this is to invest wisely amongst all the technology options available out there. Complementing this with a sound data strategy is the need of the hour. The current edtech landscape will develop new products to create highly personalized, custom and cost effective solutions for customers. The sooner industry leaders realise this, the more equipped we will be to deal with the uncertainties ahead!