By providing courses in R programming , hadoop and big data,infouniv @ business is one of the leading professional training organization in india that guides working professional as well as fresh gradutes inreiventing them selves in the field of analytics
By providing courses in R Programming, Hadoop and Big Data, Infouniv@Business is one of the leading professional training organizations in India that guides working professionals as well as fresh graduates in reinventing themselves in the field of analytics. The faculty to student ratio which is 1:6 allows the institute to provide focused knowledge transfer for every student attending the programs. “We believe that smaller classrooms make the learning process more effective as the trainers can provide their undivided attention to each student and answer all the queries through individual interactions,” says Nandi.
Due to the quality training provided by Infouniv@Business, companies such as Indian Oil, Orica, ITC and others often approach the institute to train their employees in the field of Big Data and Analytics. The institute has also achieved 73 percent in job placements. With the year on year success it is achieving, Nandi and his team at Infouniv@Business have already established their presence in Thailand and Bangladesh and hope to set up its own Big Data center in Singapore and Myanmar in the near future.