Deep Hans Arora, Simardeep Singh and Jaspreet Singh,
Co-Founder & Director
The industry of embedded systems is expanding ubiquitously. By 2020, the number of smart phones, tablets and PCs in use will reach about 7.3 billion units and industries associated with embedded systems will be worth $1.9 trillion in global economic value, according to Gartner. This industry is a persistently growing sector and it remains largely underexploited in India due to lack of employable resources and technology. i3indya Technologies provides training to students, young engineers and professionals in Embedded System and Robotics and aims to solve the dearth of good training institutions. "The disappointment of not being able to find a training institute which could facilitate adequate training generated the idea of establishing our company," mentions Simardeep, Co-Founder & Director, i3indya.
Established in 2009, by a group of three entrepreneurs, Deep Hans Arora, Simardeep Singh and Jaspreet Singh, the institute delivers programs that have been curated after observing training programs delivered all over the country and abroad and overcoming their shortcomings. i3indya delivers Embedded Systems and Robotics as its flagship programs and trains students in various other courses such as Ethical Hacking, Cyber Security and Cyber Forensics through its 10 centers spread across the country.
The institute has started its own R&D cell in Cyber Security and now supporting various law enforcement agencies. The training institute initially began its journey through a tie-up with IIT Guwahati, which proved to be its major learning experience and spurred further associations with IIT Roorke, IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur. The founders then introduced the programs through workshops and free sessions which were organized in different institutes. There by, it bagged the focus of institutes and organizations such as IIT, GAIL and IT companies and provided training services to their students and employees. Today, the institute works with over 800 colleges and has trained over one lakh students in 18 cities. Simardeep explains that it was an unrelenting process of learning and implementation that enabled them to come this far. The company also works closely with governmental organizations and law enforcement agencies such as CBI, DRDO, ministry of Defense, Kolkata Police, Delhi Police, Rajasthan Police and many other state police organizations.
As a modus operandi the institute prepares training sessions and designs modules uniquely for each client depending on their requirements. Well planned training options which can be availed by students with respect to their availability of time coupled with the curriculum and the mode of content delivery have proven to be the thrusters for their launch and have allowed i3indya to rise at an unprecedented pace."We designed
Well planned training options which can be availed by students with respect to their availability of time coupled with the curriculum and the mode of content delivery have proven to be the thrustern for their launch and have allowed i3indya to rise at an unprecendented pace
As a modus operandi the institute prepares training sessions and designs modules uniquely for each client depending on their requirements. Well planned training options which can be availed by students with respect to their availability of time coupled with the curriculum and the mode of content delivery have proven to be the thrusters for their launch and have allowed i3indya to rise at an unprecedented pace."We designed
the modules in such a way that students learn something new every day without being spoon fed and by the end of the course they become capable of using their own ideas and turning them into products," says Simardeep. Classroom training sessions are offered as a regular, winter, summer, weekend and also as distance learning courses.
i3indya has its in-house trainers who have a stronghold over Robotics and all other services they cater to. The trainers provide the certifications after the completion of the training and evaluate the students through a validating process which is analyzed through written examination, participation and attendance record of the students.
The institute prides upon its Research and Development Cell which constantly updates its training modules to keep record of the constant changes in the market. The department is tasked with developing new courses for the future, understanding the key requirements of the industry and generating products under its own name. The ultimate aim being that any student/company should be able to approach the institute with his requirement and the institute should have a course structured around it. The R&D center has also developed its own GPS system and is developing its new product called the 'Smart Weighing Machine'. "Under make in India initiative by our Honorable Prime minister, we have entered into medical electronics and replaced a US based product that our client was importing earlier. Now we have started working on smart societies based on IoT" says Simardeep.
With humble beginnings, the company has shown immense zeal and determination to make a difference in its field which allowed them to bag prestigious clients over the years. "With a shared objective of combining services with dedication, i3indya envisages a long voyage in its exploration. This being Just the Beginning," concludes Simardeep.
i3indya has its in-house trainers who have a stronghold over Robotics and all other services they cater to. The trainers provide the certifications after the completion of the training and evaluate the students through a validating process which is analyzed through written examination, participation and attendance record of the students.
The institute prides upon its Research and Development Cell which constantly updates its training modules to keep record of the constant changes in the market. The department is tasked with developing new courses for the future, understanding the key requirements of the industry and generating products under its own name. The ultimate aim being that any student/company should be able to approach the institute with his requirement and the institute should have a course structured around it. The R&D center has also developed its own GPS system and is developing its new product called the 'Smart Weighing Machine'. "Under make in India initiative by our Honorable Prime minister, we have entered into medical electronics and replaced a US based product that our client was importing earlier. Now we have started working on smart societies based on IoT" says Simardeep.
With humble beginnings, the company has shown immense zeal and determination to make a difference in its field which allowed them to bag prestigious clients over the years. "With a shared objective of combining services with dedication, i3indya envisages a long voyage in its exploration. This being Just the Beginning," concludes Simardeep.