Tushar Berge
Co-Founder & Career Coach
Intelligence Has No Standard Barometer
Onlinenewton believes that a person's career choices are highly dependent on three factors intelligence, personality, and interest. Every person has a different intelligence level and is talented differently like Maths linguistics, interpersonal skills, painting, music etc. A person's intelligence may be high in a respective zone and comparatively low in the other. Based on the problem type and skills, people have different problem solving skills. It's impossible to teach a monkey to swim or a fish to climb a tree. Choosing the wrong career may lead to dissatisfaction and mediocre performances. Fixing a career will automatically open streams and substreams towards the desired career.
The unique aspect of Onlinenewton is the minimalistic and straight forward approach it follows. As far as the contemporaries in the
market are concerned, the candidates have to pass through multi level tests to determine suitable career choices for them. The children are often confused in the complicated process and are back to square one of their career quests. Online newton only requires one test for all candidates from 9th to graduation PG or even working people. to give suitable recommendations. Onlinenewton recommends this evaluation to be done once every 10 years during the course of a career journey. This will help people to shift gears and correct the direction most fit for them every 10 years.
Chalk Out The Correct Career Path
Onlinenewton recommends the career option by carefully analyzing the candidate's strengths and weaknesses through the online test. It believes that a person's basic intelligence type never changes it only nurtures over time.
Onlinenewton adopts a personalized approach to help its candidates. A comprehensive report is drawn based on the result that focuses on the candidate. The report is understandable and straight forward it requires 15-20 minutes to read. It significantly explains the candidate's personality about the career path based on the capability and skills.
Anyone can visit the website, give the test by signing up and making a standard payment of Rs.199 and then download the report on the same system within 20 mins. The report is precise and personal, and the test can be given while traveling. Beyond, if someone has to comprehend the report clearly, Onlinenewton has extended services for that too. They give documents for the TOP3 Careers and a tailor made career path in case it is required. The people who have taken the career guidance from them belong equally from high school students to professionals up to 15 years of experience.
The company has had case studies that helped a candidate from an engineering family background choose a career that well suited his artistic skills, directing him towards the best designing institute in the country. The company's approach is rather profession oriented than academic. The company stands young but is formed of experts from various industries and served various industries in India and abroad. This brings a very practical approach and real life advises for the students and still has many milestones to achieve as it further moves along the pathway to success.
The first and most important step to choose a career is to fix a career, everything else are the next steps
Chalk Out The Correct Career Path
Onlinenewton recommends the career option by carefully analyzing the candidate's strengths and weaknesses through the online test. It believes that a person's basic intelligence type never changes it only nurtures over time.
Onlinenewton adopts a personalized approach to help its candidates. A comprehensive report is drawn based on the result that focuses on the candidate. The report is understandable and straight forward it requires 15-20 minutes to read. It significantly explains the candidate's personality about the career path based on the capability and skills.
Anyone can visit the website, give the test by signing up and making a standard payment of Rs.199 and then download the report on the same system within 20 mins. The report is precise and personal, and the test can be given while traveling. Beyond, if someone has to comprehend the report clearly, Onlinenewton has extended services for that too. They give documents for the TOP3 Careers and a tailor made career path in case it is required. The people who have taken the career guidance from them belong equally from high school students to professionals up to 15 years of experience.
The company has had case studies that helped a candidate from an engineering family background choose a career that well suited his artistic skills, directing him towards the best designing institute in the country. The company's approach is rather profession oriented than academic. The company stands young but is formed of experts from various industries and served various industries in India and abroad. This brings a very practical approach and real life advises for the students and still has many milestones to achieve as it further moves along the pathway to success.