
Making the most of the lockdown period, professional courses on a rise.

Professional courses refer to a variety of education and training which match the specific needs of an Industry. The focus of these courses is on skill building, career development, self-improvement etc.

A recent survey reveals that young professionals must use their time during the lockdown to their advantage by educating themselves to be in tune with the growing trends in order to remain ahead of their peers.

This includes the young professionals in the HVAC&R industry – this is the time when opportunities are opening up for learning using the virtual platform.

Training providers are able to use the tools provided by educational platforms to provide their students with all the necessary learning resources they need. They can also use associated features within their learning management system to track when students are logging in, how much revision they are doing and how often they are making use of peer conversation opportunities.

It’s also worth noting that virtual classrooms work alongside the wider educational platform to allow tutors to make the learning experience more convenient for their students. Within the virtual classroom they can post video and audio content as well as images, text files and slides. This means that their students can choose to access and revisit content whenever they feel it would be helpful.

An ICP (ISHRAE Certified Professional) training course, a training program with theory and practical sessions to improve the technical skills of the HVAC&R professional who needs these training modules especially when there are new guidelines for air conditioners in public places.

The course will familiarise professionals with relevant standards, new and better filtration methods for air conditioners and clean room protocols (among others) based on international standards, and inverters, VRV/VRF Systems.

National President of ISHRAE MR. Richie Mittal says, “The faculty not only teach theory and practicals, but also share a considerable level of practical wisdom which is a rare commodity these days, and cannot be imparted by regular teachers.

Teaching methodologies are through PowerPoint presentations and wherever there is a need to explain the functioning of a system, animations are used to make understanding simpler.

A valid certificate will be issued to students on successful completion of the ICP Courses.