Amit Gupta
80 percent of health specialists live in the urban area and 70 percent of the country's population live in the rural area, meaning that the rural population has very less to no access to specialist care. The dentist to population ratio is also very low in rural areas and the
lack of awareness of oral hygiene is one of the biggest problems that the dentists in rural areas face.Seema Dental College and Hospital is dedicated on creating awareness about the dental hygiene in Uttarakhand. The camps not only make the locals aware of oral hygiene and its importance but also provide free dental treatment and checkups. Dr. Himanshu Aeran Director Principal of the institute said that while always offering the newest technological & artistic advantages they pledge not to lose what is most important & that is 'Human Touch' & the institute tries to cultivate this humanitarian touch in our students by organizing various peripheral dental camp and awareness camps so that they can take better care of the society.
To enhance dental education par excellence number of CDE programs is conducted by experts of different field in campus which are very beneficial for the students so that they excel in their clinical work. The CDE programs are attended by delegates from other colleges also which enhance interactions & sharing of ideas between budding dentists. Dr. Arun Nayyar, renowned prosthodontist from Georgia, USA, and Dr. Sung- Min Chung eminent periodontist from Korea, has been the prominent figures who visited the campus for CDE program in the past.
The institute is committed to organize value based Student/ Teacher Exchange Programmes to broaden the scope of their capabilities thus the Institution maintains a healthy working relation with International Association of Dental Students, FDI through which they encourage international exchange programs and many students from international institutions such as Palack' University, Olomouc, Saint
To enhance dental education par excellence number of CDE programs is conducted by experts of different field in campus which are very beneficial for the students so that they excel in their clinical work. The CDE programs are attended by delegates from other colleges also which enhance interactions & sharing of ideas between budding dentists. Dr. Arun Nayyar, renowned prosthodontist from Georgia, USA, and Dr. Sung- Min Chung eminent periodontist from Korea, has been the prominent figures who visited the campus for CDE program in the past.
The institute is committed to organize value based Student/ Teacher Exchange Programmes to broaden the scope of their capabilities thus the Institution maintains a healthy working relation with International Association of Dental Students, FDI through which they encourage international exchange programs and many students from international institutions such as Palack' University, Olomouc, Saint
Petersburg Stali Medical University and Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy have visited the campus over the years. The students and the faculty from SDCH have visited and spend their semesters in foreign universities and gain a different perspective to the same field. The exchange programs have been a success and the institute is working on increasing the collaborations and exploring the scope of joint programs with reputed national and international institutions.
Dental students have quiet high prevalence of stress due to various reasons like tendency towards perfectionism and these stresses may affect their performance or can have detrimental effect on their health so understanding the fact, we have arranged spiritual talks to help them maintain their composure," says Dr. Aeran, while he talks to us about the stress management program in the campus.
"Alone we can do so little ; together we can do so much" with the same thought of contributing in social cause recently the institution has created a working alliance with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute/ GPH for palliative Care, care given to terminally ill patients like cancer, AIDs. Through this the students are going to get exposed to the mainstream practice and also learn more about the various parameters of dentistry that are beyond their regular activities.
With a curriculum that is student centric and with all the right amenities, the institution is quickly becoming one of the most preferred dental institutions in Uttarakhand.
Dental students have quiet high prevalence of stress due to various reasons like tendency towards perfectionism and these stresses may affect their performance or can have detrimental effect on their health so understanding the fact, we have arranged spiritual talks to help them maintain their composure," says Dr. Aeran, while he talks to us about the stress management program in the campus.
"Alone we can do so little ; together we can do so much" with the same thought of contributing in social cause recently the institution has created a working alliance with Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute/ GPH for palliative Care, care given to terminally ill patients like cancer, AIDs. Through this the students are going to get exposed to the mainstream practice and also learn more about the various parameters of dentistry that are beyond their regular activities.
With a curriculum that is student centric and with all the right amenities, the institution is quickly becoming one of the most preferred dental institutions in Uttarakhand.