
Artistic Clique: Where Learning is a Journey of Discovery & Delight

Neelima M,  Founder & Principal-Diretor

Neelima M

Founder & Principal-Diretor

Hyderabad’s preschools play a vital role in the city’s educational system, laying the foundation for the development of young children. Despite their significant contributions, the market faces various challenges, including the need for more accessible options catering to diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, ensuring consistent standards of education across establishments, and meeting the growing demand for daycare services, especially among working parents. Among the entities addressing these hurdles, Artistic Clique stands out as a distinguished provider. Renowned for its commitment to quality, Artistic Clique offers exceptional preschool services characterized by rigorous safety protocols, personalized attention, and engaging activities. The school’s vision is to equip the next generation with the skills and confidence necessary to navigate the real world from an early age.

Artistic Clique is well-known for its conviction that art, music, dance, and imaginative play are essential elements of early childhood development and for supporting the idea that preschool education should cross all borders. The preschool program offered by the organization is designed with each child’s specific requirements in mind, with a focus on individualized learning objectives. Recognizing the gap between educational systems and corporate requirements, Artistic Clique prioritizes experiential learning and skill development through a play-based approach.

“Our main goal is to equip the future generation with the knowledge and abilities needed to succeed in the real world by creating a supportive environment that fosters holistic development”, speaks Neelima M, Founder & Principal-Director. The school’s purpose is to instill in young learners a lifetime love of exploration and discovery by providing them with engaging, handson activities that promote independence, discipline, and a love of learning.

Enriching Early Childhood Development

The school prioritizes experiential learning over rote memorization and provides a full range of early childhood development-focused products and services. Differentiating itself from competitors, the preschool offers a special setting with a thoughtfully planned playground and resources that encourage hands-on activities. “Recognizing the vital role of the home environment, we actively engage parents through feedback sessions and collaborative events to ensure seamless integration
between home and school”, says Neelima M. Specialized programs like Play Clique cater to children aged 1.5-2.5 years, equipping them with the tools and environment for optimal brain development.

The firm’s unique selling proposition centers on a holistic approach to education, seamlessly blending arts and crafts with thematic learning experiences. “Our school offers diverse themes including earth and nature, professional and industries, society and culture, transpor-tation, food & nutrition, animal & plant kingdom, and self-expression, ensuring learning is both enjoyable and practical. Through hands-on activities such as farm visits and cultural outings, students gain real-world insights and appreciation.

Additionally, our simulated industry setups within the campus allow students to explore various professions firsthand, fostering immersive learning experiences”, shares Neelima M. The school also prioritizes health education, offering flameless cooking workshops and competitions to promote nutritious eating habits among students and parents alike. Moreover, its commitment to holistic development is reflected in the campus environment, which transforms the students into immersive settings like forests to spark creativity and curiosity. By providing a comprehen-sive educational experience, the school empowers students to thrive in today’s dynamic world while nurturing their overall growth and develop-ment.

By providing a comprehensive educational experience, the school empowers students to thrive in today’s dynamic world while nurturing their overall growth & deve-lopment

Highly Qualified Teachers & Holistic Development

At Artistic Clique, the teaching staff comprises highly qualified individuals with degrees in education and specialized training in child development. Continuous professional development is integral to the school’s approach, with regular monthly training sessions to enhance skills and align with the curriculum sourced from Bangalore. Teachers are adept at introducing handson materials effectively, fostering holistic development in areas such as oral language skills, phonics, and sensory development across all levels, from playgroup to PP2. The school’s child-centric philosophy guarantees that every student receives individualized attention, fostering a loving learning atmosphere where each child’s particular needs are addressed with consideration and skill.

“Our primary goal has always been to foster uniqueness in education. We aim to break away from traditional methods, steering clear of rote memorization and chalkboard-centered teaching. Our fundamental belief is that children should not simply undergo learning but should develop a genuine love for it. We strive to create an environment where learning is enjoyable, ensuring that children genuinely relish the educational experience”, adds Neelima M. The school’s materials play a pivotal role in this endeavor, as they engage students and lay a solid foundation for learning. The students’ excitement demonstrates how well it has succeeded in fostering a love of learning. Even parents, upon witnessing the positive impact of the school’s approach, find it hard to part ways when leaving for other schools. With plans to expand its offerings up to the Third/Fifth standard, the school is steadfastly working towards its vision, hoping to launch these initiatives within the next one or two years.