Yuji Iwahori
With the motto `Acta, not Verba' (Actions, not Words), Chubu University was founded as the Chubu Institute of Technology in 1964, but its institutional history begins with the establishment of Nagoya Daichi High School in 1938. In 1984, it was renamed as Chubu University and subsequently expanded to include seven colleges and six graduate schools, with about 11,000 students and 20 research institutions. The first academic exchange agreement with Ohio University was signed by Chubu University in 1973. The institution has constantly extended its international network since that time, forming partnerships with 37 institutions worldwide (as of May 2016). These collaborations promote a broad variety of foreign exchange opportunities at both the undergraduate and graduate levels for students and researchers. Communication between Chubu University and overseas institutions is facilitated by the Center for International Affairs.
Popular Courses
After graduating from university, international students will enter Chubu University in the Graduate Schools of Engineering, Business Administration and Information Science, Global Humanics, Bioscience and Biotechnology, Life and Health Sciences and Education. The bachelor, the masters or a PhD student for the graduate school of Chubu University are also supported with the receiving curriculum of study internship. For the different types of research fields that can be covered by several faculties, Chubu University refers to foreign students with versatility.
Chubu University has offered different options for taking teaching classes, obtaining research internships, experiencing Japanese cultures, or engaging on campus with Japanese conversation. Yuji Iwahori, Professor, Chubu University says, "International students come to the university to learn Japanese language and cultures, to perform research under the professors in a particular area. The difference in the field of study is focused on the professor who oversees a foreign student abroad. Some prominent professor's work at Chubu University, and under the professors, international students will take on education and research."
Ensuring Opportunities for International Students
Between India and Japan, culture and costs are very different because most Indian students feel that Japan is an expensive country. But, Chubu University put in a lot of efforts to help these differences among students, and make them understand the correspondence and instead try to do their best for their research internship.
Also, some students from abroad work part-time jobs and study their unique fields of science. With its aim of research internship programmes, scholarships are also considered for IIT students. The scholarship is funded by each faculty's research grant, but Chubu is trying to take a scholarship between the Japanese government and India.
Chubu University is rising with globalization through the MoU of academic agreements with world universities. Recently, many Japanese universities are seeking to broaden the relationship of globalization with international universities. Chubu University challenges to keep higher academic relationship with the top-level universities, Indian Institute of Technology in India and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. "I hope that with strong motivations, Indian students seek higher ability and become the pioneer in the field of technology. Japan is one of the advanced countries, but Indian students are required to work towards a world leader in the higher position and not just Japan, but also the United States, Canada and European countries. If previous students make an effort and achieve a study objective, I pledge to take the following student for the next internship and continue to make the effort to achieve good results", Yuji Iwahori concludes.
Yuji Iwahori, Professor
Yuji Iwahori completed his B.S. degree from Dept. of Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology, M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology in1985 and 1988, respectively. He began his journey in educational sector as a Research Associate in 1988 at Nagoya Institute of Technology. Yuji Iwahori joined Chubu University as a professor since 2004 and he became the Head of Graduate Program of Computer Science and the Dept. Head of Computer Science from 2007 to 2013, also, the Vice-Dean of College of Engineering in 2019. He became an Honorary Faculty at Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in October 2020. Yuji Iwahori received KES 2008 Best Paper Award and KES 2013 Best Paper Award from KES International and Tanaka-Ohio Award for Excellence in Global Engagement from Ohio University in 2017.
Courses Offered (Graduate School): Engineering, Business Administration and Information Science, Global Humanics, Bio-science and Biotechnology, Life and Health Sciences, Education
Location: Kasugai, Japan
Ensuring Opportunities for International Students
Between India and Japan, culture and costs are very different because most Indian students feel that Japan is an expensive country. But, Chubu University put in a lot of efforts to help these differences among students, and make them understand the correspondence and instead try to do their best for their research internship.
Chubu University is seeking to extend the possibility of partnering with several universities around the world on foreign studies
Also, some students from abroad work part-time jobs and study their unique fields of science. With its aim of research internship programmes, scholarships are also considered for IIT students. The scholarship is funded by each faculty's research grant, but Chubu is trying to take a scholarship between the Japanese government and India.
Chubu University is rising with globalization through the MoU of academic agreements with world universities. Recently, many Japanese universities are seeking to broaden the relationship of globalization with international universities. Chubu University challenges to keep higher academic relationship with the top-level universities, Indian Institute of Technology in India and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. "I hope that with strong motivations, Indian students seek higher ability and become the pioneer in the field of technology. Japan is one of the advanced countries, but Indian students are required to work towards a world leader in the higher position and not just Japan, but also the United States, Canada and European countries. If previous students make an effort and achieve a study objective, I pledge to take the following student for the next internship and continue to make the effort to achieve good results", Yuji Iwahori concludes.
Yuji Iwahori, Professor
Yuji Iwahori completed his B.S. degree from Dept. of Computer Science, Nagoya Institute of Technology, M.S. degree and Ph.D. degree from the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics, Tokyo Institute of Technology in1985 and 1988, respectively. He began his journey in educational sector as a Research Associate in 1988 at Nagoya Institute of Technology. Yuji Iwahori joined Chubu University as a professor since 2004 and he became the Head of Graduate Program of Computer Science and the Dept. Head of Computer Science from 2007 to 2013, also, the Vice-Dean of College of Engineering in 2019. He became an Honorary Faculty at Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati in October 2020. Yuji Iwahori received KES 2008 Best Paper Award and KES 2013 Best Paper Award from KES International and Tanaka-Ohio Award for Excellence in Global Engagement from Ohio University in 2017.
Courses Offered (Graduate School): Engineering, Business Administration and Information Science, Global Humanics, Bio-science and Biotechnology, Life and Health Sciences, Education
Location: Kasugai, Japan