
Should Faculty Have a Voice in Technology Decision-Making?

Teacher participation in decision-making regarding technology is widely recognized as important for its effective integration in education,. When teachers are actively engaged in selecting and implementing technology tools, they are more inclined to endorse and incorporate them into their teaching methods, which benefits both students and educators. When teachers participate in decisions concerning curriculum, instruction, assessment, professional development, school culture, and policy, it enhances their sense of empowerment, motivation, commitment, and job satisfaction. Also, such involvement fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and innovation among colleagues. Importantly, integrating teachers into technology decision-making ensures that educational programs and policies are more pertinent, responsive, and successful, leveraging teachers' firsthand experiences and insights into student needs. Therefore, including teachers in technology decision-making not only acknowledges their expertise but also optimizes the positive impact of technology on teaching quality and student outcomes.

India’s First AI Teacher

Have you heard that recently, KTCT Higher Secondary School in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, introduced Iris, a humanoid teacher developed in collaboration with Makerlabs Edutech Private Limited. This innovative step marks a significant advancement in educational technology. Iris is powered by AI and designed to conduct interactive learning sessions, capable of communicating in three languages to cater to diverse student needs. Equipped with voice assistance, mobility, and integration with robotics and generative AI technologies, Iris aims to transform classroom learning by offering a personalized and engaging educational experience. This initiative reflects a futuristic approach to education, leveraging AI to increase teaching methodologies and make learning more accessible and effective in today's digital era.

Enhancing Teaching in the Digital Age

In today's classrooms, educational technology plays a crucial role, offering ways to improve teaching methods, involve students more, and customize learning. Tools like interactive whiteboards, learning systems, and adaptive software are widely used and always changing. Yet, their success depends not just on how they work but also on how well they fit the goals of teaching and the needs of teachers and students. As AI and machine learning are more commonly used in schools, teachers face new challenges. These technologies can make learning better, but teachers need to learn how to use them effectively. Maintaining a focus on their role in cultivating creativity, critical thinking, and essential skills in students remains paramount. Educators are encouraged to view AI and ML as tools to support and enrich these educational goals, preserving the vital human connection between teachers and students amidst technological evolution.

Rohit Manglik, CEO of EduGorilla, says, "It gifts the treasure of online learning materials available in almost every subject that can be translated into any language through a multitude of free & affordable language converters. The aim is to educationally empower and enlighten students from even the remotest of regions of the country".

For educators stepping into the world of AI and machine learning, understanding these technologies is crucial for developing fluency and harnessing their potential. Mastering foundational concepts such as algorithms, data analytics, and neural networks is essential. Staying updated on the latest advancements in educational technology through professional development, conferences, and online communities is recommended. By following these principles and exploring how AI and ML can increase teaching and learning such as personalized instruction, adaptive learning platforms, intelligent tutoring systems, and data-driven insights educators can enrich classroom experiences and better equip students for the digital age.

Can AI in Education Solve More Problems Than It Creates?

Educators are increasingly exploring AI-powered tools to address critical priorities in teaching and learning, seeking safe, effective, and scalable solutions. They see potential in technologies like speech recognition for supporting students with disabilities and multilingual learners, as well as enhancing adaptivity and personalization in digital learning tools. However, educators also acknowledge new risks, including data privacy concerns, potential biases in AI outputs, and challenges in detecting and addressing nuanced educational needs that AI may miss. Balancing these opportunities and risks, educators aim to leverage AI responsibly to advance educational outcomes while safeguarding against unintended consequences in the integration of educational technology.

AI presents opportunities to advance educational priorities by improving the adaptivity of learning resources, providing greater support to teachers through automated tools, and facilitating the customization of curricula to align with students' diverse backgrounds. However, these advancements also raise significant concerns about systemic risks. Issues such as increased student surveillance, potential biases in AI algorithms affecting assessments and disciplinary actions, and challenges related to transparency and trust in AI-driven educational technologies are critical considerations. Educators and policymakers must carefully navigate these complexities, ensuring that AI integration in education prioritizes fairness, equity, and effectiveness while actively addressing unintended consequences that could widen achievement gaps or perpetuate inequalities in educational outcomes.

Final Note

By leveraging AI thoughtfully and inclusively, while prioritizing fairness, equity, and educational efficacy, we can harness its transformative potential to benefit both teachers and students alike in the digital age.