
NCERT Proposes Major Changes to Class 12 Board Exam Evaluation

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has proposed a new evaluation model, suggesting that the performance of students in Classes 9, 10, and 11 should be factored into their Class 12 board exam results.

The recommendations were outlined in the report titled ‘Establishing Equivalence across Education Boards’. The report proposed a progressive assessment framework for Classes 10 and 12, which divides the academic year into two terms. It also suggested that Class 12 board results should now incorporate marks from Classes 9, 10, and 11.

The report mentioned, “The weightage of formative and summative marks will be adjusted progressively from class 9 to class 12, increasing the emphasis on summative assessment as learners advance in grades. Specifically, class 9 features a 7 percent formative and 30 percent summative split, class 10 an equal 50% formative and summative division, class 11 a 40 percent formative and 60 percent summative distribution, and class 12 a 30 percent formative and 70 percent summative ratio”.

“Consequently, the cumulative marks at the end of the secondary stage are 15 percent for class 9, 20 percent for class 10, 25 percent for class 11, and 40 percent for class 12”, the report mentioned. This means that students’ performance over the years will play a significant role in their final scores.

The proposed assessment framework for students in classes 9 through 12 will use a balanced approach, integrating both formative (ongoing) and summative (end-term) assessment methods to offer a comprehensive view of student progress. According to the report, the assessment for classes 10 and 12 will be structured into two terms.

“Terms will feature Classroom Assessments through HPCs, involving Portfolio Assessment, Self Assessment, Peer Assessment, Teacher Observation, Group Work, and Laboratory activities”, it mentions.

The report also proposed that the End Term Assessment will maintain its focus on competency-based evaluations using ITMS, where teachers will choose questions from a question bank. In Term II, formative assessments will be introduced, including components such as Project Work, Paper Presentations with viva voce, and Group Discussions.

“The summative assessment will consist of a common paper consisting of Long Answers, Short Answers, Very Short Answers, and Multiple Choice Questions linking with the Learning Outcomes, based on the question paper design and blueprint”, the report mentions.