Main Types Of Thinking (And How To Improve Them) - Memoryos
Monday, 07 February 2022, 17:13 IST

Types Of Thinking
Every day, a person is faced with a variety of problems that can be solved through different thinking methods. Some are sure there are a lot of them but researchers now identify 7 types of thinking. Each person can use different methods in various situations. The more types you may master, the faster and easier you will solve various problems.
How to improve memory? Research shows having a good memory is the key to making each of the existing types of thinking much easier for you. It stimulates better brain function, improves intelligence, and develops different kinds.
The 7 Types Of Thinking
How to think better? To understand which ways of thinking you are not well developed, you need to know which ones exist. Below you will find a description of the different types of mindset, and you will notice you use several of them at once every day. It is true however, you will figure out which skills you should improve.
1.1 One: Critical Thinking
Every day we may receive many proposals for cooperation, and when making decisions, we can experience a thinking problem. Critical thinking allows you to separate the emotional component and evaluate the actual benefits or disadvantages. So, for example, if your loved one offers you a deal that is unprofitable for you in advance, the person with a critical mindset will assess the risk and refuse, even despite the sympathy for the person.
1.2 Two: Analytical Thinking
Many people confuse critical and analytical mindsets; however, these are different. A person with analytical thinking will study all issues in as much detail as possible. Any proposal for cooperation will be divided into various aspects, and a person will look for similar examples, more detailed statistics, and delve deeper into the topic.
1.3Three: Creative Thinking
Among all kinds of thinking, creativity allows you to find new, extraordinary solutions in simple circumstances. People with this mindset may usually solve many problems faster, easier, and profitably. It is believed Edward de Bono achieved the greatest success in this area. He says people often dig holes in an attempt to find a solution to the problem if they cannot find them in one place, they start digging in another. And to achieve the goal, it is worth going to this framework, digging tunnels, and most importantly, not throwing away the land but using it for other purposes.
1.4 Four: Abstract Thinking
Studies show abstract thinking develops in children at the age of 2-6 years, and then it gradually develops into logic. The abstract allows us to see new solutions in everyday things. For example, the letter “A” is read differently in English and German. Developing this mindset is a good idea to build a memory palace. This technique is trendy today because it has proven its effectiveness.
Also, it is helpful to study foreign languages, game theory, and philosophy to develop the abstract. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to find a new match.
1.5 Five: Concrete Thinking
Those with concrete thinking are often called nerds. Usually, when they hear a statement, they ask many questions to confirm or deny it. It does not mean people have negative emotions towards you they look for the truth.
Often, people with concrete thinking make fewer mistakes in their work, do not make impulsive, rash decisions, and always carefully study the facts.
1.6 Six: Convergent Thinking
Convergent thinking allows you to find a solution to a problem only from your resources. So, if you have a limited amount of resources but a challenging task, your mind will discard those ideas that are impossible to implement. So, for example, you can't make a pizza if you don't have the ingredients for the dough. But from those products you have in the fridge, you may cook another, no less delicious dinner. Both housewives and prominent entrepreneurs use this method.
It is worth going through various quests, playing multiple games, or simply leaving your comfort zone when solving everyday issues to improve this skill.
1.7 Seven: Divergent Thinking
Divergent is also often called & “brainstorm” Usually, it is practiced in groups where people with different mindsets gather and find a solution to a problem. Effectively setting a clear time frame for studying a question allows you to speed up thought processes.

2. How To Maintain Your Thinking When School (College) Is Over?
In studying at school or college, we look at various disciplines and actively develop memory. If we forget to do our homework we try to find a quick solution to avoid punishment. After graduation, many noticed memorizing information and thought processes became much worse.
Which of the following types of errors is associated with controlled thinking? Researchers have identified quite a few mistakes, but the main one is a lack of practice. So, if you want to develop your thinking skills, you should:
•Read more;
•Master the Method of Loci;
•Solve math problems;
•Solve crosswords and puzzles;
•To learn foreign languages;
•Regularly take refresher courses;
•Have a hobby that completely contradicts your main activity.
If you work in a field related to mathematics, you most likely have the well developed critical thinking, but abstract and creative needs to be improved. You may enhance your level if you start reading more, traveling, and learning languages. Or vice versa, if you are engaged in creativity, it will not hurt you to solve logic problems, equations, and Sudoku in your free time. Usually, you may spend only 30-60 minutes a day on such workouts, and you will notice an improvement in results quite quickly.
Small Conclusions
So, if you notice you are starting to lose some of your skills, then this is a signal that it is worth improving in a new industry for yourself. Self improvement and development are the keys to success for every person, regardless of what industry you work in. First, you need to understand your strengths and weaknesses and then develop a simple training system that will allow you to succeed. Do not think such training will take a lot of time and effort, but the result will come soon if you work systematically.
3.Tools To Help You Think Better
If you want to achieve good results, there are various tools to improve memory and mental activity. Each has its characteristics but gives a reasonably good result. It is worth mastering all types of skills, then you can cope with any problem.
3.1 How To Create A Mind Map?
The mind map is often used during brainstorming sessions. So, you can take a piece of paper, write on a milestone a topic you need to think about, and then write down all the thoughts that come to mind in a short period.
When brainstorming, don't think about how good or bad the idea is just write it down and analyze it after a while. Later, you may use your notes to solve similar problems.
3.2 What Is A Radar Chart?
Radar Chat is somewhat similar to a mind map, and the difference is that you write a topic in the middle of the paper, and from here, you create various ideas that may or may not be intertwined with each other. The final image looks like a spider web. Such a scheme is often drawn by police officers when they collect a picture of events, analyze the evidence found, and information from eyewitnesses. Sometimes, this allows you to find new, unconventional solutions.
3.3 How To Use A Spreadsheet?
The use of spreadsheets helps many people systematize the data or knowledge obtained as a result of research. This method is suitable for improving critical and analytical thinking. By organizing all the data in one place, it will be easier to come to a specific conclusion. In addition, spreadsheets have many valuable features that help you process large amounts of information.
3.4 Making A Pros And Cons List
Making a list of pros and cons is the easiest and most accessible method for everyone to understand how good an idea is. The point is that you write down all the advantages and disadvantages of an idea on paper and then compare the risks. It allows you to understand many processes and make the right decision.
Small Conclusions
It doesn't matter what idea you come across. Organizing data in any of the above allows you to make decisions much faster, assess risks and understand the process. The tools are fused to improve critical and analytical thinking.
4. Final Thoughts
At the moment, there are several different types of thinking. Each of them has its own merits. If you may master all of them at a high level, there will be very few problems you cannot deal with. You can achieve good results by correctly assessing your capabilities and constantly training problem areas. Do not think you can earn good results in 2-3 days. It is a systematic work on oneself, which requires persistence and desire.
Every day, a person is faced with a variety of problems that can be solved through different thinking methods. Some are sure there are a lot of them but researchers now identify 7 types of thinking. Each person can use different methods in various situations. The more types you may master, the faster and easier you will solve various problems.
How to improve memory? Research shows having a good memory is the key to making each of the existing types of thinking much easier for you. It stimulates better brain function, improves intelligence, and develops different kinds.
The 7 Types Of Thinking
How to think better? To understand which ways of thinking you are not well developed, you need to know which ones exist. Below you will find a description of the different types of mindset, and you will notice you use several of them at once every day. It is true however, you will figure out which skills you should improve.
Organizing data in any of the above allows you to make decisions much faster, assess risks and understand the process
1.1 One: Critical Thinking
Every day we may receive many proposals for cooperation, and when making decisions, we can experience a thinking problem. Critical thinking allows you to separate the emotional component and evaluate the actual benefits or disadvantages. So, for example, if your loved one offers you a deal that is unprofitable for you in advance, the person with a critical mindset will assess the risk and refuse, even despite the sympathy for the person.
1.2 Two: Analytical Thinking
Many people confuse critical and analytical mindsets; however, these are different. A person with analytical thinking will study all issues in as much detail as possible. Any proposal for cooperation will be divided into various aspects, and a person will look for similar examples, more detailed statistics, and delve deeper into the topic.
1.3Three: Creative Thinking
Among all kinds of thinking, creativity allows you to find new, extraordinary solutions in simple circumstances. People with this mindset may usually solve many problems faster, easier, and profitably. It is believed Edward de Bono achieved the greatest success in this area. He says people often dig holes in an attempt to find a solution to the problem if they cannot find them in one place, they start digging in another. And to achieve the goal, it is worth going to this framework, digging tunnels, and most importantly, not throwing away the land but using it for other purposes.
1.4 Four: Abstract Thinking
Studies show abstract thinking develops in children at the age of 2-6 years, and then it gradually develops into logic. The abstract allows us to see new solutions in everyday things. For example, the letter “A” is read differently in English and German. Developing this mindset is a good idea to build a memory palace. This technique is trendy today because it has proven its effectiveness.
Also, it is helpful to study foreign languages, game theory, and philosophy to develop the abstract. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to find a new match.
1.5 Five: Concrete Thinking
Those with concrete thinking are often called nerds. Usually, when they hear a statement, they ask many questions to confirm or deny it. It does not mean people have negative emotions towards you they look for the truth.
Often, people with concrete thinking make fewer mistakes in their work, do not make impulsive, rash decisions, and always carefully study the facts.
1.6 Six: Convergent Thinking
Convergent thinking allows you to find a solution to a problem only from your resources. So, if you have a limited amount of resources but a challenging task, your mind will discard those ideas that are impossible to implement. So, for example, you can't make a pizza if you don't have the ingredients for the dough. But from those products you have in the fridge, you may cook another, no less delicious dinner. Both housewives and prominent entrepreneurs use this method.
It is worth going through various quests, playing multiple games, or simply leaving your comfort zone when solving everyday issues to improve this skill.
1.7 Seven: Divergent Thinking
Divergent is also often called & “brainstorm” Usually, it is practiced in groups where people with different mindsets gather and find a solution to a problem. Effectively setting a clear time frame for studying a question allows you to speed up thought processes.

2. How To Maintain Your Thinking When School (College) Is Over?
In studying at school or college, we look at various disciplines and actively develop memory. If we forget to do our homework we try to find a quick solution to avoid punishment. After graduation, many noticed memorizing information and thought processes became much worse.
Which of the following types of errors is associated with controlled thinking? Researchers have identified quite a few mistakes, but the main one is a lack of practice. So, if you want to develop your thinking skills, you should:
•Read more;
•Master the Method of Loci;
•Solve math problems;
•Solve crosswords and puzzles;
•To learn foreign languages;
•Regularly take refresher courses;
•Have a hobby that completely contradicts your main activity.
If you work in a field related to mathematics, you most likely have the well developed critical thinking, but abstract and creative needs to be improved. You may enhance your level if you start reading more, traveling, and learning languages. Or vice versa, if you are engaged in creativity, it will not hurt you to solve logic problems, equations, and Sudoku in your free time. Usually, you may spend only 30-60 minutes a day on such workouts, and you will notice an improvement in results quite quickly.
Small Conclusions
So, if you notice you are starting to lose some of your skills, then this is a signal that it is worth improving in a new industry for yourself. Self improvement and development are the keys to success for every person, regardless of what industry you work in. First, you need to understand your strengths and weaknesses and then develop a simple training system that will allow you to succeed. Do not think such training will take a lot of time and effort, but the result will come soon if you work systematically.
3.Tools To Help You Think Better
If you want to achieve good results, there are various tools to improve memory and mental activity. Each has its characteristics but gives a reasonably good result. It is worth mastering all types of skills, then you can cope with any problem.
3.1 How To Create A Mind Map?
The mind map is often used during brainstorming sessions. So, you can take a piece of paper, write on a milestone a topic you need to think about, and then write down all the thoughts that come to mind in a short period.
When brainstorming, don't think about how good or bad the idea is just write it down and analyze it after a while. Later, you may use your notes to solve similar problems.
3.2 What Is A Radar Chart?
Radar Chat is somewhat similar to a mind map, and the difference is that you write a topic in the middle of the paper, and from here, you create various ideas that may or may not be intertwined with each other. The final image looks like a spider web. Such a scheme is often drawn by police officers when they collect a picture of events, analyze the evidence found, and information from eyewitnesses. Sometimes, this allows you to find new, unconventional solutions.
3.3 How To Use A Spreadsheet?
The use of spreadsheets helps many people systematize the data or knowledge obtained as a result of research. This method is suitable for improving critical and analytical thinking. By organizing all the data in one place, it will be easier to come to a specific conclusion. In addition, spreadsheets have many valuable features that help you process large amounts of information.
3.4 Making A Pros And Cons List
Making a list of pros and cons is the easiest and most accessible method for everyone to understand how good an idea is. The point is that you write down all the advantages and disadvantages of an idea on paper and then compare the risks. It allows you to understand many processes and make the right decision.
Small Conclusions
It doesn't matter what idea you come across. Organizing data in any of the above allows you to make decisions much faster, assess risks and understand the process. The tools are fused to improve critical and analytical thinking.
4. Final Thoughts
At the moment, there are several different types of thinking. Each of them has its own merits. If you may master all of them at a high level, there will be very few problems you cannot deal with. You can achieve good results by correctly assessing your capabilities and constantly training problem areas. Do not think you can earn good results in 2-3 days. It is a systematic work on oneself, which requires persistence and desire.