Mahindra University's disinfecting robot MUDRA (Mahindra Universite UV Desinfectant Robot Autonome) launched
Friday, 26 February 2021, 17:22 IST

Mahindra University launches an Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle (AUV) Disinfecting Robot, MUDRA (Mahindra Universite UV Desinfectant Robot Autonome). This robot is designed to disinfect Rooms, Labs, Offices, Shop floors, and various other spaces usingUltravioletC (UVC) rays.
“At Mahindra University, we are constantly focused upon enabling solutions thatimpact our day to day lives in a positive sense. In this pandemic time, safety is of paramount importance. I am proud to state that we have created MUDRA, an indigenously designed, developed in-house and funded disinfecting robot, that helps in the sanitization of surfaces thereby, ensuring that closed spaces remain infection free”, says Dr. Yajulu Medury, Vice Chancellor, Mahindra University.
With the opening up of retail, office and other public spaces, it is important that closed spaces be sanitized frequently and properly to ensure minimal spread of infection. This is where MUDRA fills a much-needed void. MUDRA can make on-demand and pre-planned disinfections without any human intervention. The height of therobot is such that it can disinfect most of the surfaces exposed to humans during work.
“UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and non-porous surfaces. According to US FDA, UVC radiation has been shown to destroy the outer protein coating of the SARS viruses. Therefore we decided to make a disinfecting robot using this technology available to us. We also ensured that the mechanics design element focused on ensuring coverage of all parts of the closed spaces that could potentially be touched or infected by people”, says Dr. Deep Seth, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University and the faculty actively involved in this development.
MUDRA has been specially designed to navigate autonomously on the floor without needing any extra infrastructure. It maps and plans its path to move around, and avoidsobstacles and re-charts its path intelligently. It moves from room to room on a floor automatically without any human intervention. In addition, it has thecapability to operate elevators and move from one floor to another using Wi-Fi or wireless connectivity.
MUDRA is completely safe and non-hazardous to humans as it automatically switches off its UVC function whenever it detects human presence.
“At Mahindra University, we are constantly focused upon enabling solutions thatimpact our day to day lives in a positive sense. In this pandemic time, safety is of paramount importance. I am proud to state that we have created MUDRA, an indigenously designed, developed in-house and funded disinfecting robot, that helps in the sanitization of surfaces thereby, ensuring that closed spaces remain infection free”, says Dr. Yajulu Medury, Vice Chancellor, Mahindra University.
With the opening up of retail, office and other public spaces, it is important that closed spaces be sanitized frequently and properly to ensure minimal spread of infection. This is where MUDRA fills a much-needed void. MUDRA can make on-demand and pre-planned disinfections without any human intervention. The height of therobot is such that it can disinfect most of the surfaces exposed to humans during work.
“UVC radiation is a known disinfectant for air, water, and non-porous surfaces. According to US FDA, UVC radiation has been shown to destroy the outer protein coating of the SARS viruses. Therefore we decided to make a disinfecting robot using this technology available to us. We also ensured that the mechanics design element focused on ensuring coverage of all parts of the closed spaces that could potentially be touched or infected by people”, says Dr. Deep Seth, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Centrale School of Engineering, Mahindra University and the faculty actively involved in this development.
MUDRA has been specially designed to navigate autonomously on the floor without needing any extra infrastructure. It maps and plans its path to move around, and avoidsobstacles and re-charts its path intelligently. It moves from room to room on a floor automatically without any human intervention. In addition, it has thecapability to operate elevators and move from one floor to another using Wi-Fi or wireless connectivity.
MUDRA is completely safe and non-hazardous to humans as it automatically switches off its UVC function whenever it detects human presence.
Source: Press Release