
Government Launches Interactive Course for PwDs' Employability Skills

In a groundbreaking partnership, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) has teamed up with Enable India to launch an innovative 70-hour interactive Employability Skills course specifically tailored for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). Developed under the leadership of Secretary Rajesh Aggarwal, DEPwD, this pioneering program aims to transform the way PwDs access and pursue meaningful employment opportunities.

The grand unveiling of this groundbreaking course occurred during the Purple Fest, marking an auspicious and optimistic future for individuals with disabilities. Participants observed the inauguration ceremony, emphasizing the dedication to establishing a society that is inclusive and empowered. Alongside this significant revelation, the National Council for Vocational Education and Training, in partnership with the Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, introduced extensive Guidelines for Accessibility Standards.

Carefully crafted to address both physical and digital skill training infrastructure, these guidelines serve as a symbol of inclusivity for individuals with various disabilities. This groundbreaking initiative guarantees the nationwide adoption of these standards by all government-affiliated skill training organizations, promoting a more accessible environment for everyone.

The culmination of these efforts was marked by a special event held at the main hall of Kala Academy, where Shri Subhas Phal Dessai and Rajesh Aggarwal launched these transformative initiatives. This event not only symbolized a milestone but also represented a significant stride towards building a more accessible and inclusive future for all. The impact of these initiatives promises to create lasting changes in the landscape of employability and accessibility for Persons with Disabilities across the nation.