Dr. S.R. Sridharamurthy
In a time like this entrepreneurship is the solution to the problem but to start something one needs courage and confidence, both of which was in abundance in M.M. Safwan, when he decided to start his own company of packaged coconut water from Kadambar,a rural locale of Kerala. His courage paid off and today the company is exporting globally and has admirable market coverage in the country as well. M.M Safwan is an alumnus of National School of Business; he learned all the necessary skills and gained a firm grasp of the market while he was pursuing his MBA from the institution.
Nothing has changed from then to now and even today entrepreneurship is given outmost importance in the institution and many students have started their own companies just like Safwan. Apart from entrepreneurship the institution excels in international relations and MoUs, they provide student and faculty exchange programs with the help of the collaborations. So far more than 400 students and many professors have completed their studies and projects in other universities and NSB. The two main universities NSB is exclusively involved with are Pau Business School, France and University of Deusto, Spain.