Panchvati Aryans: Sharpening Children's Roots through Finest Quality of Early Care and Pre-Gurukul Education

Raghavendra Srivastav,Co-Founders
The Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”
A poem penned by William Ross Wallace states the inevitable truth and relation between a mother and child in a subtle way. A mother is the first teacher a child has before it’s brought in this beautiful world. The responsibility is then divided between a teacher and mother to make sure the child receives proper care, values, principles,and manners.
With growing competition and rapid technological advancements in the education sector,findinga sophisticated and well-cultured pre-school proves to be a daunting task to parents. A place where the environment is safe for children to grow, bloom, and prosper is a factor of apprehension for the parents and guardians.
Panchvati Aryan's Co-Founder,Pooja Raaghav shared the same concern for her child. When asked she smiling shared her story,“I remember,it all started with a mission to admit our own son in a Preschool. I,along with my husband, went around the city inquiring about the education pattern and upbringing. We found that no preschool in the city execute a holistic approach to child development.”
She continues,“With an aim to bring a difference in society,we decided to set up a unique preschool with a franchise model.
But, many franchise models in the city had a miserable failure history as they were more concerned about the royalty than promoting the holistic growth of a child. So, we conducted wide researches on traditional educational patterns and learning practices and referred Upanishads, Vedas, traditional Shikshawali and even modern educational research papers before we execute our planning model. The wisdom we gained from our intense research and the enlightenment on the power of Ten Commandments of Shikshawali eventually laid the foundation for Pan chvati Aryan Juniors International Pre-Gurukul.”
With its root laid in 2014, Panchvati Aryans Junior International is the first Pre-Gurukul in India and serves as a second home for the children. At Panchvati Aryans, children explore them- selves and the world around them, learn about our culture and the values it portrays, and indulge in life with traditional values and respect for elders. the Panchvati Aryans share a mission to support the overall development of children through parents teachers coordination helping the children to excel socially, emotionally and physically in life. They ensure the same by nurturing a curiosity-driven and entertaining environment where children inculcate a love for learning and the feeling for gratitude.
Vouched for its impeccable services, Panchvati Aryans believesin maintaining equilibrium by balancing fun and learning from the initial stage of education through the various programs of Montessori including Aryan Toddlers, Aryan Playgroup, Aryan Prejuniors, Aryan Juniors, and Aryan Seniors. With the sole focus on the positive social and emotional development, artistic expression, creativity, and cultural ethics, the organization has been continuously striving to address the educational needs in early
With its root laid in 2014, Panchvati Aryans Junior International is the first Pre-Gurukul in India and serves as a second home for the children. At Panchvati Aryans, children explore them- selves and the world around them, learn about our culture and the values it portrays, and indulge in life with traditional values and respect for elders. the Panchvati Aryans share a mission to support the overall development of children through parents teachers coordination helping the children to excel socially, emotionally and physically in life. They ensure the same by nurturing a curiosity-driven and entertaining environment where children inculcate a love for learning and the feeling for gratitude.
Vouched for its impeccable services, Panchvati Aryans believesin maintaining equilibrium by balancing fun and learning from the initial stage of education through the various programs of Montessori including Aryan Toddlers, Aryan Playgroup, Aryan Prejuniors, Aryan Juniors, and Aryan Seniors. With the sole focus on the positive social and emotional development, artistic expression, creativity, and cultural ethics, the organization has been continuously striving to address the educational needs in early
schooling by following the pedagogy combining the Ten Commandments of Shikshawali with research of an American Psychologist Howard Gardner. Their specially tailored curriculum shapes children by treating them as active learners; additionally,the Ten Commandments pave the path way for excellence while Gardner’s research enhances the overall personality of the children.
With the glorious history of 5 years, Panchvati Aryans aim to provide valuable early education through programs integrated with technology in a playful environment to build strong and powerful roots in the minds of the future generation. An epitome of perfection, Panchvati Aryans adheres in creating leaders not ladders who value global well-being and face the hurdles of their life with compassion, integrity, and resilience.

Pooja Raaghav, Co-Founder
Talking about future prospects,Pooja says,“We have our plans up for the next three years, where we aim to spread our branches in Pune,Hyderabad, and Bangalore. We also plan to expand and build laboratories for innovations and creativity, impart regular training for teachers with new methodology/ system or upgrades happening in the society, making our school musical and also bring in creative ideas to reach out to parents for spreading awareness on Autism and thereby, conducting separate classes for them.”
With the glorious history of 5 years, Panchvati Aryans aim to provide valuable early education through programs integrated with technology in a playful environment to build strong and powerful roots in the minds of the future generation. An epitome of perfection, Panchvati Aryans adheres in creating leaders not ladders who value global well-being and face the hurdles of their life with compassion, integrity, and resilience.

Pooja Raaghav, Co-Founder
Talking about future prospects,Pooja says,“We have our plans up for the next three years, where we aim to spread our branches in Pune,Hyderabad, and Bangalore. We also plan to expand and build laboratories for innovations and creativity, impart regular training for teachers with new methodology/ system or upgrades happening in the society, making our school musical and also bring in creative ideas to reach out to parents for spreading awareness on Autism and thereby, conducting separate classes for them.”