Fear of Not Knowing the Unknown Till it Hurts You

The latest SonicWall Capture Labs Threat Research team warns about Egregor Ransomware attacks that is going to intensify. The ransomware steals system information, banking, online account credentials, deploys keyloggers, and remote backdoors on Windows client and server software. And then there is news doing around about SolarWinds Orion being hacked, impacting White House and US army. Even the US Treasury, Commerce Departments were hacked through SolarWinds Compromise.
Now let's look at the other side of the picture. NASSCOM estimated that India would need one million cybersecurity practitioners to fill its needs for rapid economic growth by 2020. And now when 2020 is almost over, are we there yet? There seems a long way to cover up the gap. And with 117 percent surge in cyberattacks on Indian enterprises in 2019 itself and with nearly nine percent higher shortage of cybersecurity workforce, it is quite evident that enterprises need to buckle up and pick their cyber security experts. But it is the responsibility of the institutions to prepare the next-gen cybersecurity professionals.
There is an immediate need to rethink the strategy and address the mismatch in the demand and supply of cybersecurity professionals, which if not filled will hurt India in the years to come. But there lies a slew of challenges that need immediate attention. This includes training and funding including government funding. However, the challenge also lies in finding the best of cyber security institutes that can provide you the arms and ammunitions to deal with the hackers.
In our current edition of siliconindia Education, we bring to you `10 Most Promising Cybersecurity Training Institutes 2020'. Our team of experts comprising industry experts, CEOs, leaders, together with our Editorial Board have shortlisted the names post performing the necessary due diligence. We have tried to bring every possible information that will help you decide on which one to select. Read to know about them.
Do let us know what you think!
Now let's look at the other side of the picture. NASSCOM estimated that India would need one million cybersecurity practitioners to fill its needs for rapid economic growth by 2020. And now when 2020 is almost over, are we there yet? There seems a long way to cover up the gap. And with 117 percent surge in cyberattacks on Indian enterprises in 2019 itself and with nearly nine percent higher shortage of cybersecurity workforce, it is quite evident that enterprises need to buckle up and pick their cyber security experts. But it is the responsibility of the institutions to prepare the next-gen cybersecurity professionals.
There is an immediate need to rethink the strategy and address the mismatch in the demand and supply of cybersecurity professionals, which if not filled will hurt India in the years to come. But there lies a slew of challenges that need immediate attention. This includes training and funding including government funding. However, the challenge also lies in finding the best of cyber security institutes that can provide you the arms and ammunitions to deal with the hackers.
In our current edition of siliconindia Education, we bring to you `10 Most Promising Cybersecurity Training Institutes 2020'. Our team of experts comprising industry experts, CEOs, leaders, together with our Editorial Board have shortlisted the names post performing the necessary due diligence. We have tried to bring every possible information that will help you decide on which one to select. Read to know about them.
Do let us know what you think!